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Author Topic: Form modification/Creation  (Read 33644 times)

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Offline Dolphin's Cry

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Re: Form modification/Creation
« Reply #30 on: January 19, 2009, 09:45:01 pm »
I've not used LUA before, I've been using ActionScript 2.0/3.0, UnrealScript and C# up until now. Hoping I can pick up enough about working LUA to work on something using C++/Allegro and LUA.
Please, write "Lua" right! Or else the monkeys will throw sea loafs at you... hm, what a nicely weird mod idea. ;)

You are right about dofile. I forgot that not everyone knows this. ;)  I quickly added a note about it to the wiki.
Can you hear the dolphin's cry?

Offline Titch

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Re: Form modification/Creation
« Reply #31 on: January 19, 2009, 11:49:22 pm »
Haha. I skipped that part of the manual.

On my small mod list is a pet mod that adds a monkey with a divers helmet to try and lay something out for pet mods. Throwing sea loafs would be a nifty attack.

EDIT: I'll probably copy this to the start of the topic, but, form checklist stuff.

Song - Yes
Skin - Yes
LMB - Yes
RMB - Yes
Keyboard/Gamepad Input - Nope
Charging Skills - Nope
Simplified Custom Skills - Nope
Flourish Animation - Nope
Song Symbol Menu - Nope
Reusable Structure - Kind off...
Commented Script - See above.

If I want to get really picky. Li.lua has custom script where he reacts to certain forms Naija is using and I might add some easy function for doing a form tutorial when you first switch to a form. As you can see, I'm still quite a bit of way from being done.

My idea of hiding the original changeForm() call in scope and calling it from my own override didn't work. I just can't seem to store off the old changeForm() code into another function with a diff name without causing a crash or just failing. I've settled for using setForm() so that it matches better with setCostume(). If something doesn't come to me eventually then I'll use the same thing for locking form changes. We shall see.

I'm working on capturing the game pad input right now. I think I can even cancel out bursting and allow the user to replace it with something else by calling something if avatar_IsBursting() is true. Although I wouldn't recommend using it as it would add a futher layer of complexity to the controls which shouldn't strictly be necessary.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 01:32:48 am by Titch »

Offline Hiro

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Re: Form modification/Creation
« Reply #32 on: January 22, 2009, 07:59:10 am »
I'd never even touched Lua before I started working on Aquaria mods a month or so ago.
Eeeehhh?? Dude.

Thanks Ed, your like the Guru of LUA for Aquaria
^This is still true.   O0

Anyway, this thread is getting more and more interesting as the idea of new forms comes closer and closer to a reality. ^-^
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