Well I'm busy scraping the google cache of the old Wiki together and dumping it into the new Wiki so hopefully I can find out. I have a feeling the Naija entity will make a callback when it's clicked on with the right and left mouse buttons, its just a case of working out what that callback is...
This may or may not help, but if Naija is in a form that can be charged, calling
avatar_getSpellCharge() returns the time that the player has been holding down the charge button. I'm still trying to find some way to use it (or something similar) in a non-charging form (such as the normal form).
Regarding callbacks, I can't find any reference anywhere to callbacks for clicking on Naija, or even for files where said callbacks might be used. I suspect some degree of kludging might be needed. (Admittedly, I don't have the wiki on-hand, but I do have a list of
all the functions.)
[EDIT] changeForm() can set you to forms 8 and up (unused in the main game) without crashing, although no change in appearance occurs. You stop being able to sing, though, so you probably are actually in a new form. There may be a file somewhere that will allow you to take advantage of this- I'm looking for that right now
- Edwards