Whatever, AS. I don't know if you particularly play RPGs (like the Final Fantasy series -- though those, other than the very first one, have tended to be well enough designed that you don't generally need to grind for levels or gold for more than short periods of time), but some of them have pretty good stories, but poor balancing of the game mechanics, so that, like I said, you end up in a situation where you can't get more than, say, 1000 gold per fight, each fight takes five minutes or so, and you need a million gold to satisfy some key quest requirement. When you run into that, maybe you look around a while to see if there's secretly some source of larger quantities, eventually you ask around online, and if the answer is, "No, you just have to run through a thousand fights," which at five min apiece means 83 hours...
I'm exaggerating the numbers slightly, but you get the point. Again, I'd call this poor work on the part of the designers. *shrug*
Oh, and as far as "before you know it..." I believe you said on some other forum that you're, what, 19? I've been playing games, on both computers and consoles, since before you were born. I've completed plenty of very difficult games (e.g. the entire Ecco series) with no use of cheats. I just have a low tolerance for being forced into hours of rote repetition of some minor task that doesn't advance the plot. Especially since I got out of college and had to also, you know, work, maintain relationships (heck, I'm getting married next year), and so on. I only have so many hours for games; I'm not going to let a week's worth of gaming time get devoured by a poor decision by some programmer about how to set a number.