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Author Topic: My logitec wireless rumblepad 2 acting weird..  (Read 5561 times)

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Offline DarkHeart

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My logitec wireless rumblepad 2 acting weird..
« on: January 04, 2009, 03:30:20 am »
I can use all the buttons except the D-pad.
I can also use the left joystick to do stuff, but I can't configure it to do anything.
Also my right joystick doesn't do anything.
Lastly I have no vibration when doing anything.(s there any vibration feedback in this game?)

P.S. I have the steam version.

Offline Danger Mouse

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Re: My logitec wireless rumblepad 2 acting weird..
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2009, 03:41:27 am »
There is no programming the game for vibration feedback.

Usually controllers can be toggled to use the analog (stick) or digital (d-pad) and sometimes both. I'm going to guess that yours is set to use the analog stick and not the d-pad. Try a different controller, prefferably one that allows you to configure the buttons to do different things.

Right Analog stick is not supported in the programming either. It wasn't designed to be played that way. If you've seen one working it's because it has external software to allow it to be assigned keys on the keyboard.