Hey guys and girl-e. I'm a kind of new around here. But man, this forum is growing. This seems like it's going to be fun. I thought I'd start by doing one for this area. This post just brought back a ton of mems.
But Dang it! You guys took my precious games! I loved you Zelda. Super Mario. You too Nobuo. And my sweet, sweet Flipper.
I'll just move on over to my Sega Genesis for now.
I've always been the type who would always devour VG mags and make sure that I only got the creamiest of the crop of games. That was my long/short term goal when i was a wee pup. I tried to stay away from the stinkies, but every now and then I ripped cartridges from my black box and poured lighter fluid on them, by accident.
Anyway. On to the Goods.
Gunstar Heroes.

I should stop here but.....i can't.
Remember those games that you played in the summertime when school was out, and it was melting hot outside and you couldn't play b-ball? This was one of them. This is the first game that I ever played for an entire day switching back and forth between friends, and beating it. Seriously. I woke up, played, Capn' Crunched, played, Saminch, played, Din Din, played, played, played, played, beat, more breakfast, sleep. It was hard, fun, and extremely satisfying at the same time. I'll never forget it. EVER.
The flow of the game from level to level, even though it was a shooter, was a treasure that only TREASURE could dream up. ****sorry****
The story line was nutts. It had Giant dice rolling semi-mini games. But the boss battles.

(new gba vers is a pretty neat revamp)
Le sigh. Le purrrrrr.
The boss battles in this game were some of the most intense, and rewarding, battles that I had ever played. Never in my short life-span had I seen a boss that transformed 3 times, Optimususes Primeous style, before it freakin' died. And a giant running robotic dog. What in the schmoly holy. I was scarred for life. There is so much more about this game (graphics tricks wise) that was considered a top notch feat back THEN, but i'm gonna stop. Trust me when i tell you the screen shots do the game no justice.
So that's one for now b/c my stomach just said my name. If you guys don't have an emula.........uh, i mean, SEGA Genesis, uh yeah, get one now and do yourself a favor and play the heck out of this game! It might be a shooter, but it's FUN. And sometimes we all need to just have a little pointless fun.
I'll dig up some more later. (these froggies are neat)