I started playing games at a very young age on an old macintosh performer, those games were: Shuffle Puck, Alien Invasion, and Oregon Trail.
These games were just little arcade type games but kept me pretty happy untill I met...

SrarWars: Empire Strikes Back
Mr. GameBoy! Yes I had the old gray gameboy and one of my favorite games was an old SrarWars: Empire Strikes Back game, of coure mine was in Black and yellow (old game boy remeber?).
I stuck with the gameboy for a long time and then picked up:

Mario vs. Donkey Kong
This was the first game I played that had fun, non-aracade, game play. I played this thing untill I was like 9 years old and started when I was maybe 4-5. I never actulay beat the game because it was
soooo long but I got almost to the end before my gameboy was broken...
Though the two best games I ever played on my GameBoy was (with no surprise):

Super Mario World 2: Six Golden Coins
Wow, how fun was this game? Secret levels, mini games, BOSS FIGHTS! How could they go wrong? This game showed me alot of what was needed for a good game.
Oh who could forget:

Pokemon Red/Blue
Probally the most plot heavy game I woned at the time. Though the plot isn't exactly genius it did have alot of basic (good) design to it (one that gamefrak has used for
years). Also picked up some tips from this game on what a game should be.
Now right about this time my GameBoy was broken... I was forced to play outside and watch T.V. However right around this time my dad bought a Macintosh G4 Tower! And at the same time bought:

Hmm, what's there to say? This game had the best plot, graphics, and puzzles I had ever seen to that point. Good memories.
Bring me the blue pages!!!Luckily a couple christmases later and I wind up with a Playstation 1! and with (for some reason) the first RPG I ever bought and the first game. I had no idea what it was at the time I bought it but it's defanitly one of the best games I have ever played:

Final Fantasy VII
Ha, need I say more? This game had it all and most importantly, it was fun. This game taught me what everygame must have at all times, fun. Many RPG's these days (including FF12 which I'm currently playing) don't have fun all the way though or for the better part of the game. FF7 is probally my favorite RPG of all time.
After my dad had bought a newer computer he gave the old one to me (us, I have siblings

). Then that's when I stimbled apon another best all tiem game:

Ferazel's Wand (screan shot taken from Jack's World, my level set

Ooo, loads of memories with this one. Not only did this game have good replay value, was a great game too, but it came with an EDITOR! I first didn't use the editor but a couple years ago (unfortunatly the fan base is dead) I started to and with have half-way finished my level-set, "Jack's World". Though now with Aquaria coming out I don't know if I'll ever finish it!
Right around my birth (long ago) I got this game:

Final Fantasy Tactics
Whoa! This is the most plot heavy game EVER! Most of the time I can only barely follow it. I only beat the game this year (it was in storage), good ending, great gameplay, very challenging. I love this game it was funny at times, serious at times, and mind boggling frustrating at times.
Oh yes my favorite Indie Game (for now


Cave Story (Doukutsu Monogatari)
Sooo fun! Good weapons, good bosses, very good plot, and best replay value I've ever seen! This game will always be in my computer heart.

This is where I looked back at all the games I've played and said to my self, "My favorite type must be 2D scrollers!". I think 2D scrollers are the best, you can do anything with them! Sure you can do anything with everything else but the simplicity of scrollers forces creators to be
creative bringing about great results. Mario, Ferazel, Cave Story, and soon to be Aquaria, all creative in their own sense, all great.
These games I've mentioned have changed me as a person, thanks.
Most of these images were taken from wikipedia, a great website.