anecdotal observation has led me to conclude that most people who go on the most about DRM are not honest customers, but informed pirates. I don't think there's much wrong with DRM and I've sailed the high cd's yarrr, it's just where it's abused. if there was a legitimate reason to reactivate this game it probably wouldn't be an issue but in cases like with MS products where if you change your hardware profile then your copy of Windows becomes inactive, that's where it's anti-customer. just because a developer attaches some copy protection on their product dosn't make them anti-customer.
If you want to think that way then go head, its a stupid short sighted ignorant opinion.
If you where paying attention which I guess you aren't when you come to dumb conclusions like that you would notice DRM does NOTHING to stop piracy. In the end run it just hinders the end user in more ways than one. DRM doesn't fair any better than basic copy protection and basic copy protection is less of a hassle all over, its a simple as keeping the disk in the drive until the point the developers patch it out.
DRM however limits you to what you can do with your PC, since its somewhat resident it kicks up more of a fuss over what applications you use on your PC. If I want to use nero or roxio to burn whatever I feel I will, even uninstalling them doesn't guarentee i'll be able to play the game without DRM kicking up a fuss. Not to mention DRM limits how I upgrade my PC, change a part of two and whoops i've used an activation.
All this even before you go on to the legality of securom and it violating several license agreements including ones its built upon (OpenSSL for one). Then theres consumer rights and civil rights, even homeland security in the US says its illegal for DRM to be install without the user being aware and there securom is rootkitting the living bejebus out of peoples PC's then pulling a hitler deciding how they run their PC.
Developers in the case of EA/Ubisoft are stupid for thinking it will reduce piracy, infact do they? Personally I think they're more after the second hand sales, think of the times they've gone on record saying second hand sales are at "epidemic" levels. You think they aren't "anti-consumer" when they're more willing to push higher priced console versions which run better? Think of all the bad ports which hit the PC with the latest being GTA4. Not to mention how quick and helpful their customer support is, incase you haven't used it i'll give you a hint, it sucks, pray you never have to use it.
If you think this is just for pirates then go ahead. Just remember the difference between windows and a quick game is some 300-500 dollars/pounds/euros and you can do far more with windows and the activation of it is far more relaxed than what we are seeing on games. You aren't going to buy windows then take it back to the store and part exchange it for value towards the latest new version are you?
The movie industry tried DRM, it failed and backed out. The music industry is noticing DRM is failing and is backing out, offering clean music. The gaming industry is jumping late on the bandwagon of failure which is riding straight to failure town, the only route it knows.
Theres far more at stake here than just "protecting" a game, you are dictating how people use THEIR PC's and what they can do. I'm the one putting the cash up to buy the PC, why should I the honest consumer allow some corporate suit dictate what I can do on it to humour their paranoid ideas.