Right, so, this is going to be as unspoilery as possible, and I'd appreciate any 'gentle nudges' to be as unspoilery as possible as well. I just got past the... I'll call it the second boss, but I haven't been keeping perfect track, so it might not be the actual second boss. It's the one that gives you the pretty red form. Y'know "chomp chomp"? The one you turn into by singing red-orange-yellow, or 12-o'clock - 10:30 - 9:00.
After leaving the city I got it from, that mysterious cloaked figure with a smoking face (blue smoke) appeared, then swam left. Didn't think terribly much of it, since that's the way it went last time. I've now explored large chunks of the areas above me, the areas below me, but nothing really screams 'go this way', and every time I really start exploring any area -deeply- I usually end up dying to attrition. (It's taught me to save often, at least.)
I've crossed the veil. I've explored areas of Open Water two zones below the veil. I've even discovered some rather interesting costumes/treasures in the process (the one involving water bubbles that basically makes you spiky was certainly interesting to get to).
However, I'm quickly growing... impatient, I suppose the word would be, swimming to an area only to discover yet another completely wide open area to explore. The last two times I wasn't sure where to go, the world map 'sparkled' in the appropriate area to head to, and my map isn't doing that now.
What's the general direction I should head in? Up? Down? Or is there not one, and am I at a point where basically the game is wide open and I can explore as I please? As LITTLE info as possible in your answer would be greatly appreciated, unless somehow I've accidentally tripped over and eliminated the necessary sparkle/hint and it won't come back and you have to give me specifics.) For example: "Go up" or "It doesn't matter" are what I'm looking for. Sorry for being so picky about spoilers.
Also, just as some additional minor questions (I'm trying to avoid as many spoilers as possible)...
These strange spheres that show up on my map as what look like green Q-Tips. (*snicker*) Should I know by now what they do? (NOT 'could'... 'should'; i.e. Was it something I very much missed? If I SHOULD know what they do by now, please tell me what I've missed. If it's something I COULD know (a secret I have to go exploring to discover, or something that WILL guaranteed be handed to me at some future point, just tell me 'no, I don't have to worry about those just yet'.)
Also, leaves: I'm very much in constant, never ending need for leaves. Or maybe just plain 'n simple health food. I have massive amounts of fish meat (one very helpful treasure pot + schools of fish dying by the thousands helps with that), but I lack the necessary leaves to go with said meat. You'd think plants would be something easier to find, but they're not. Am I missing something? I -think- there's another way for me to be 'farming' health food (fish oil and eggs), but the eggs portion seems to require me to place myself in danger, and quite honestly I usually end up coming away having lost significant health and/or dying doing that. Or is that pretty much my only option? I have tons of recipes, but so very few actually restore health. Is the lack of leaves a game design choice, or am I simply missing something?
Oh, one other question, and this IS going to be spoilery, so don't read if you haven't gotten far: In the city I found a kitchen. There was apparently a memory there. All it seemed to be was two people floating there in the kitchen. Two seconds, then it was over. I obviously know who one of those people were, but was that seriously all there was to that memory? No other point to it?
(Also, what's with the cackling? Should I know what that is yet? If not, don't 'xplain.)