Also, won't ASW be wanting a demo that is the full game with a cut-off point? That is the way that ASW seems to do everything else...
I don't know.
They might want it.
Whether they'll get it or not is another question.

Some clarification:
The editor was already in the game, we're just prepping it for release by adding a mod framework. That hasn't really delayed the game that much yet.
Fixing the bugs spawned by the linux port will take some time, but it'll be spread out over testing. The core stuff seems to be working now.
There's things we tweak to improve the game, that's the most important. Adding details, making it more fun.
Up till now the major thing is the audio library, which I think have just "fixed"... by writing my own OpenAL/OggVorbis/sdl_threads implementation!
Other than that, its adding details, testing and finishing up the ending.