I don't seem to have the 'index2' tileset file that the map tries to load, so the game crashes. I tried renaming the 'index' tileset to 'index2', but that just loads a map that looks like nothing.
But from the screen shots it looks like it could be really good.
I did have another idea though, that should be fairly easy to implement once this is done, to use that treasure hunter's map as a tile, and put all the nodes to warp places onto where they are on that map, so you know exactly where you're about to go. It'd use all the same nodes as this one already uses so it should be fairly easy even for someone like me to make (xD).
Thanks so much TB, that really does look like it'd fit the bill just perfectly. I havn't even finnished adding naijastart nodes to all the maps. o.o
Got a few done, but today I've been out all day helping my brother move house (LOTS of big heavy furniture and beds >.<

Cheers. -Hiro