Haha, its ok. Its not really like I own this mod anyway, anyone could have taken those files out of the main folder and put them into a mod.
The only thing I really did was make that icon, and put the right words in the definer xml and the mod-info xml; which isn't that hard.
So feel free to redistribute, give it away, spread the word.

The only thing you can't do is claim either Derek's or Alec's work as your own.

Ok, wow, I just had a look at the idea of making a title page that has a list of all the maps so you can choose one to load, and oh boy am I ever over my head.

I now have a deeper respect for Dolphin, who made that jukebox mod, I took a look at those scripts and sheesh, I just don't get most of it. Maybe I could work it out if I spent a long time looking at it and going round and round but no thanks. >.<;
I suppose I could make a new button for each map using the title-map tutorial as a basis but.. It'd be a hashed together job.
Is there anyone who has skills in this area (Dolphin?) who would like to make a title screen for this mod? One that can load all the maps? Please do. Its a bit over my head at the moment.

I can upload it for you if you want once its done, you'd just need to send it to me via email or something.