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Author Topic: Let the fun begin~!  (Read 16972 times)

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Offline Hiro

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Re: Let the fun begin~!
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2008, 07:29:18 am »
Haha, funny story about that. It was originally gonna be called native aquaria, but then when I went for the minimalist approach I used a copy of that folder... Hence the name. xD Couldn't be bothered changing it back, and it kinda fits anyway, since its not really the main game, just a mod-copy of it. ;) But meh.

As I said in the native copy mod topic, I'll say again here. Anyone want to make a title screen for the native mod? I'd be much obliged. I can upload it for you if you send it to me afterwards, but making something like that is over my head.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2008, 09:29:58 am by Hiro »
My site is: http://www.therathole.co.nr/
Where I put pictures and blog posts and stuff..