Hi there,
I recently downloaded the Mac demo of Aquaria, and tried it out for the first time this evening, but I have a few questions. They're probably really basic, but I've looked around through the forums a bit and not found answers yet, so here goes... Try not to laugh if this all sounds really stupid to those of you who've been playing for a while.
1. I guess the most basic, which could render the others irrelevant, is: is there any sort of manual or other documentation available? I did see a few posts making references to an HTML walkthrough file that was supposed to come with the download, but it didn't. I suppose it only comes with the Windows version or maybe with the full version rather than the demo? I don't actually want a walkthrough as such - I hate spoilers - I'd just like to be able to find my way around and hopefully survive for more than 10 minutes.
2. There does seem to be some kind of help text available when you click on the question mark in the menu that has the songs and things, but it flashes by pretty much instantaneously, and there doesn't seem to be any way to make it slow down or back up, so I've only ever seen the last screen of text. Is there some trick to getting it to slow down or scroll backwards so that you can see the first part?
3. I was going to ask whether there was any way to save, but I've seen a few references to some kind of special crystals you apparently use to save. So my revised question is: how far to you have to go (read: how long do you have to manage to stay alive) before you find one? I seem to generally get killed as soon as I encounter anything hostile, and theres 's been no sort of save point that I can recognize in the parts I've seen so far.

4. I have not been able to figure out how to get songs to work. I apparently learned one called the Shield Song, but I haven't been able to use it. I saw what the notes were supposed to be in the menu, but playing them doesn't seem to do anything. Does the timing of them have to be exactly right, or is there a certain minimum number of repetitions before it takes effect, or what? And how will I know if it does (other than possibly not dying)?
5. Likewise with recipes. I apparently have some which are supposed to be able to heal me, but I'm not sure how to use them. It says something about dragging ingredients around, but nothing about what ingredients you need or where you're supposed to get them.
I expect #3-5 might be answered if I could find a manual, or access the help text, and might even become apparent later in the game if I survive long enough. It's just that survival thing I'm having trouble with at the moment.