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Author Topic: Is this a girl game?  (Read 112799 times)

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Re: Is this a girl game?
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2008, 12:54:46 am »
sure is it a girl game!
or is naija gay and just fooling li?

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Re: Is this a girl game?
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2008, 01:21:58 am »
Am I playing a Barbie funfest :o Oh dear I think that I have the wrong game then :o

As far as I can see this is not just about exploring it's about killing also which as far as I know is a very macho thing to do....Even though some women have been know to kill a few people also, ie Bonnie from Bonnie and Clyde fame.

And then there is Laura Croft......................... I rest my case :D

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Re: Is this a girl game?
« Reply #17 on: December 04, 2008, 01:24:01 am »

*steals Xiagan's moderator hat and closes the topic*

lol - Angelina Jolie really doesn't fulfill my idea of a lesbian though.  :D

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Re: Is this a girl game?
« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2008, 01:37:38 am »

*steals Xiagan's moderator hat and closes the topic*

lol - Angelina Jolie really doesn't fulfill my idea of a lesbian though.  :D
I think that he was talking about Naija, and I missed his post so I certainly wasn't infering that Jolie was lesbian. Though not all lesbians are obviously lesbian you know :)

And before you start wondering..... No I am not  :P

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Re: Is this a girl game?
« Reply #19 on: December 04, 2008, 01:56:02 am »

Honestly, I got a bit of the girl-game vibe as well. This has zero to do with the gameplay and everything to do with the characterisation. No one would say Metroid's a girl game, even though the main character is female; it's just a good game. Likewise, Tomb Raider's not a girl game, but it's pretty clearly a guy game (and a terrible game, at that, mwahaha). Naija's portrayed as.. I'm not sure what age, but probably <20. The dialogue and the performance are really solidly female-oriented, probably adolescent female at that. So, I'm not talking about "girl game" in the sense of a Barbie game, or a baby-raising or horse-training game, just a game that feels like it's skewed towards a particular demographic due to both the story, and how that story is told.

This is not a bad thing! It is just a thing. The base game mechanics are pretty good, and if you took out all the dialogue it'd still be a great game (I'd say it might even be better than now ;).

To sum up to the original poster: I get where you're coming from and I'm inclined to agree. However! Aquaria is a very well put-together game and can and should be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of age and gender.

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Re: Is this a girl game?
« Reply #20 on: December 04, 2008, 02:52:38 am »
Whoa man. Gameplay is MUCH more important in this game than characterization. (Though I agree with you on most of your points) *Applauds*  :)

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Re: Is this a girl game?
« Reply #21 on: December 04, 2008, 03:47:16 am »
Actually,  I think it's a fairly valid question.  One of my older friends who played the demo sort of wrote it off initially because he didn't get very far and was just kind of swimming around looking at pretty things.  I later expanded his view a bit, and he realized he didn't get what it was about at all.  The game gets more... severe, let's say, later on.  It maintains the same general feeling throughout, but there's plenty of action and crazy fun stuff in there, too.  Certainly a game that could appeal to females, but not prohibitively so in any capacity.  I never felt like I was playing a "chick game" at all.  I equate it more to the experiences I had playing, say, ICO or Shadow of the Colossus.  It was a very different experience.  It felt a little foreign (in a good way), and not in a sense that had anything to do with gender.

Does any of that make sense?  I don't know, I'm very tired.  And I can't wait for the Windows patch to come out so I can go through the game again.

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Re: Is this a girl game?
« Reply #22 on: December 04, 2008, 04:14:47 am »
No, I think that perfectly assesses my feelings at the moment. You have my sincere admiration, Quemaqua: congratulations! There is a lot in this game for both genders; and neither part alienates the other.

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Re: Is this a girl game?
« Reply #23 on: December 04, 2008, 07:32:28 am »
Actually,  I think it's a fairly valid question.  One of my older friends who played the demo sort of wrote it off initially because he didn't get very far and was just kind of swimming around looking at pretty things.  I later expanded his view a bit, and he realized he didn't get what it was about at all.  The game gets more... severe, let's say, later on.  It maintains the same general feeling throughout, but there's plenty of action and crazy fun stuff in there, too.  Certainly a game that could appeal to females, but not prohibitively so in any capacity.  I never felt like I was playing a "chick game" at all.  I equate it more to the experiences I had playing, say, ICO or Shadow of the Colossus.  It was a very different experience.  It felt a little foreign (in a good way), and not in a sense that had anything to do with gender.

Depends on a person's gaming history, I guess. When I first booted up the demo I was thrilled; I thought it was going to be an underwater Knytt Stories. Then I got the Energy Form, and started to hope it'd be SOTC (all bosses)...

So that was a little bit of a downer; it went from pure-atmospheric exploration game, to a kind of Metroidvania shoot'em-up (see: energy form, Gradius "Option"-like pets). But on the upside there's built-in level creator, so I can still put together pure-atmospheric exploration levels if I want (and hope others do the same).

But again, I think the initial "girl game" sentiment comes from the avatar combined with the narrative, rather than the gameplay elements.

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Re: Is this a girl game?
« Reply #24 on: December 04, 2008, 07:45:20 am »
Well, here's the list of guys I know who play Aquaria....


and hundreds more...

You're not alone.  :)

blobs are by nature asexual, or at best androgynous, but I tend to display more masculine traits than others of the species.

that said, I think that this game is definitly girl friendly. after 10 min of playing it my gf looked up and said 'what's that?' and then promptly came over and sat beside me for a good hour to watch what went down. later I couldn't do a game session w/o her seeing what developed, something that has happened only in a handful of games in the past.

I'm also prone to playing more colourful, juvenile platformers like Spyro, Mario and Klonoa which may not the most manliest of games, but imho I don't consider fps to be games, real men play platformers.  whenever I play rpg I tend to play as the girl, you usually see the rear of your character for most of the game so might as well look at a nice tush right?

I found Aquaria to be challenging, frustrating, stomach churning and puzzling, along with all the beautiful tinkling ambient aesthetics that make it initially appealing to a girly sensibility, and those sorts of gaming elements are not for the timid or meek.  some games are obviously more geared towards guys or girls and this is a unique game that easily traipses gender lines but is still meant for a serious gamer.
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Re: Is this a girl game?
« Reply #25 on: December 04, 2008, 08:09:32 am »
Wow. It is frankly AWESOME to see an innocuous post spark such thoughtful discussion. Congratulations to all who participated! (Especially those who wrote paragraphs on the subject)  ;D

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Re: Is this a girl game?
« Reply #26 on: December 04, 2008, 10:24:49 am »
Actually, I totally get where you're coming from, OP.  But I think it's awesome that you feel kind of weird, and I hope you run with that feeling.  Seriously, I love getting weirded out, and as fun as it is to challenge myself with tough gameplay, I think it's even more fun to challenge my _feelings_. ;)

That said, I think the main themes of Aquaria are pretty universally human, despite the fact that it has a very strong female voice.

The reason why Metroid and Tomb Raider don't really give off that "girly" vibe is because, IMO, they are offering up a certain type of woman that is idealized by dudes, and not really identifiable with dudes - Samus and Lara Croft are beautiful, tough, mature, and independent (aka the hot babes that kick your ass).  On the other hand, Naija is rather young, and, even though she's going through the same types of experiences that a young man in her place would go through, it feels a lot more personal, I think (at least, ideally, that's what I would like people to get from it).  So I can see that it can feel a little awkward in that regard.  And it's not just like watching a movie - you are actually playing as her.

But anyway, what I'm trying to say is that, if you feel weird and girly playing Aquaria, I think that's great... and I kind of feel like, well, if you don't get that feeling from Metroid or Tomb Raider or whatever, the reason is that you are still playing as a guy and not really connecting with the character on a more personal level.  Not that that's a bad thing necessarily, since I really love both those games.  And they probably work better without that kind of connection.

And I have to admit, when I use to play TR, I would try to get the camera to move around Lara Croft so that I could look at her pixelized boobs.  Definitely not connecting... :'(

So that was a little bit of a downer; it went from pure-atmospheric exploration game, to a kind of Metroidvania shoot'em-up (see: energy form, Gradius "Option"-like pets). But on the upside there's built-in level creator, so I can still put together pure-atmospheric exploration levels if I want (and hope others do the same).

But again, I think the initial "girl game" sentiment comes from the avatar combined with the narrative, rather than the gameplay elements.

I feel that, too.  We often struggled with the balance between exploration and action in this game.  Part of me feels like the game might have been more "pure" without so much of the shootiness... because I think we were a little afraid that no one would want to play the game if there were no action involved.  But in general, I think we made the right decision.  The game is more exciting, and more tense, with it.

And yes, I'd love to see people make some exploration-focused mods.  I want to play them, too. :-*

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Re: Is this a girl game?
« Reply #27 on: December 04, 2008, 09:46:08 pm »
I love this thread.  ^-^

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Re: Is this a girl game?
« Reply #28 on: December 05, 2008, 12:42:59 am »
Really?  I think it's kind of long.  Personally, I don't know whether this is a girl's game or not.  I'm not a girl and I don't know any girls that have played it aside from silverflagon here.  I suppose we should start by saying what a girl's game is...obviously there are certain subject matters that only appeal to girls.  Things like ponies, rainbows (SEE Diablo 3 devs, GIRLS LIKE RAINBOWS), and Hello Kitty.  But as far as games catering to male mentalities, things that women would find pointedly unappealing...I don't think Aquaria has that quality.  If it's a "girl's game" it's certainly a game girls can enjoy.

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Re: Is this a girl game?
« Reply #29 on: December 05, 2008, 01:09:13 am »
Definitely sticky this one ... who has the power to do so?  :)

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