This is a place to put up anything you've drawn/made recently that you'd like people to see. Let's see your drawin' chops, Bit Blot Forumites!

This is the last really finished thing I've done (due to various Problems); it's an EP cover for a band called
The Definite Articles. My old chum
Aid is currently designing some sick typography to go on it, because he's amazing at that stuff and I am
rubbish.I'm working on the cover for the full album at the moment, but it's an absolute ballache of a task when you've only got three colours to play with (rassum frassum screenprinting grumble mumble). At least I should be getting paid for that (the EP cover was done pro bono, because the violinist's a good friend, also I'm now owed a pretty significant favour from the band

Edit: DAMN YOUUU PHOTOBUCKEEEETTTTT (I'll try to get it rehosted somewhere else).