K thanks, as for the art, I wasnt planning on using that in the fininished product, (if there is gonna be one), whin im going to do is this process, hand-draw bone each bone, scan the drawings, ink and color in photoshop, put the bones on one document, each bone on a different layer, and send the final product to whoever is modding, so that way, the bones can be edited separately, but the modder knows what he finished deign will look like.
As for the spamming, Im trying to come up with creative and different ways to interact and damage each boss, a good example of that for me would be the Arnassi Crab. I was thiking fo the Ivy Dragon, if you spammed it enough, then it would shoot 3 energy balls at you, each one would be a different color, and you would have to repeat the sequence todo major damage.