silver: "won't you"? ... perhaps: 'wants you?'
Anyways, thanks for the welcome backs. It's definitely good to be back. Certainly look forward to spending the next 3 years living on Kauai Island though.

I haven't had any problems at all yet with vista 64-bit, of course it has it's annoyances with the "Are you sure you want to do this" pop-ups, and has some annoying enabled administrative rights must be enabled annoyances, but other than that I've managed quite well. Haven't had any issues with most of my 32 bit applications. Most of which I use are portable applications anyways. Just got all my codecs sorted out, 32-bit and 64-bit. My wife just got Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended installed on her vista 64 new laptop as well.. yeah, she bought one fer herself first. lol Of course she asked me if she could. I'm definitely looking forward to using that software again, since I haven't touched Adobe Photoshop since CS2, and instead have been relying on Gimp Portable for all my artwork needs.
When I got back I had 2 weeks of paid vacation, so I got settled back in at home, and took the time to get adjusted to life back at home with our 2 children and my wife.