I was playing through Aquaria for the second time, and noticed a serious glitch in the Energy Temple. On the second save point you reach (with only energy and normal form) if you right-click when the node appears, a strange rock with shards of red crystal on it appear (I've never seen it anywhere else) and you are transported to the crystal as normal. What's not normal is that you get stuck in the middle of a dark region. Fortunately, I had saved before, but view this as a warning to other people.
BTW, I was trying to get the screenshot of the weird save crystal in Vista, but ctrl + alt + P did not save the shot to the correct folder. Any ideas? I'll post the screenshot when I can get it to work.Good luck fixing!

Hope Alec can catch it in v. 1.1.0
EDIT: used FRAPS, the tunnel to the right is the entrance to another section of the map, I bypassed it by clicking on the node and being teleported into a solid wall

Here's a link showing the node to the invisible crystal (when you click, the "ghost crystal" above appears)
Picturehere's one showing my pointless efforts to free myself (as well as my entire photo album)
PictureA rather beautiful picture of me spamming the walls around me
Sticky?EDIT: Silverflagon: "P.L.A.M., Max!" (Post like a man)