Like, wow dude, that was really fast.

You're awesome.
Time to add it, test it out, and re-upload.

Dude, that is so awesome. It doesn't only tell you the time at the end, it has the time in the bottom right and everything.
My only gripe, if I can even call it that, is that the player has to kill that poor lost Ekkrit creature I put in there. I can't however find a way to let him live with this script.

Even if I remove all references to him he still has to die for the end to take effect... I think it might be because he is counted as an enemy? That would mean that he must die for the all-enemies-dead trigger too. Not sure how to change that... Oh well, I'll just leave him dying in for now at least.

I did make the wait at the end (the first line where its exiting to main menu) 5 rather than 3, just a little longer to check your score.

Oh, other updates:
- I removed a fair bit of health from the map. It still seems too easy actually, but meh.
- Since we now we have all the entity scripts from native, I increased the health of the anglerfish at the bottom from 32 to 50. Makes him more like a real boss (although still much easier than the blaster (100 health

) or NP, who can block your shots (but only has 40 health)).
And to further enhance the 'boss' feel of the anglerfish, I gave him a camera lock on death, similar to what the big blaster and NP have (although for some reason I couldn't make Naija invincible while the camera was locked, even when I copied how its done in the other scripts...but I think its ok to be vulnerable for 1.3 seconds xD and I didn't force Naija to be idle in that time either

- The big blaster's death scene will no longer try to make you look at her egg (a.k.a. (0,0) lol). It was always rather off-putting staring at blackness for 2 seconds after killing a boss..
I think thats about it. These things are making this feel rather polished. I like it.

And with time records, people can compete!

I think I need to do one more test run just to make sure I reset all my trial-and-error scripting properly. xD Then I'll go for a new release.