Maybe i am getting old but i just dont have the patience any more to try everything 5 times. I am pretty certain that i would have killed this big guy if it was only for my shooting and movment skills. I am guessing there is something else i need to do. Like lure him into those gas things or something.
It would be fine if i die 5 times because its so hard to dodge his shots or whatever.I am used to that from games like R-type and ikaruga. I am fine with that. But if i cant figure out what i need to do or how i need to do it then i am getting dicouraged. Its obviously mostly my fault. Happens to me all the time in other games aswell. I just would like to play through the game, experience the story, the artwork (which is mostly why i bought the game) and the great sound score.
EDIT: Btw... i dont have a cursor. I am playing the game with my PS3 Joypad. I know i should play it with mouse first but i think its much more enjoyable with a gamepad.