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Offline Danger Mouse

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Infinite Ammo
« on: August 23, 2008, 11:25:06 pm »
I'm concerned, and both excited at the same time with the new news of the new development quad-team. For one now that bit-blot is no longer, will it be getting the attention here on the forums and continued support for Aquaria. Will there still be much needed updates to the games editor features? These are the big questions I feel would be nice to have an answer to after hear the news and reading the whole layout of the new Infinite Ammo website. Of course, I'm ecstatic on the news of the new development team, and with twice as many people working on the new project hopefully it will either take half as long to create or have two times the amount of content. Really looking forward to how the new company progresses. Wish I could be a part of it. :) Alec you're really making dreams come true over there in Winipeg. Congratulations on your success and your future endeavors.

BTW: All four of the new Avatars are really cool. kudos!

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Re: Infinite Ammo
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2008, 11:40:05 pm »
I'm still part of Bit-Blot and I'm planning on doing a lot more with Aquaria and the site.

Here's what's coming up:
Aquaria OST Release
Aquaria Mac Version Release
Aquaria 1.1.0 Windows Patch Beta Test
Aquaria 1.1.0 Windows Patch Release

There are some other things we're looking into that I'll talk more about later if they work out. ;)

I'm open to taking suggestions for the editor and I'll be around to support mod development. You can hit me up on the forums, either of our IRC channels or by email at zaphire@gmail.com!

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Re: Infinite Ammo
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2008, 01:12:07 am »
Wait what? Did I miss something??

How is there a new team and no news post? O_O

Ok, using google I found the site (http://infiniteammo.ca/blog). And yeah I totally agree those new avatars look kickass. :D
And that teaser looks really cool too (although a little vague..You're pure evil, now I'm curious). I wonder how it would work if Bit-Blot and Infinite Ammo are both making a game at the same time. Poor Alec might die! :O

But as long as you're here with us Alec, I wish you good luck with whatever else you try. :) And I'll probably put IA in my bookmarks somewhere too.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2008, 01:23:57 am by Hiro »
My site is: http://www.therathole.co.nr/
Where I put pictures and blog posts and stuff..

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Re: Infinite Ammo
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2008, 01:51:00 am »
Ok, using google I found the site (http://infiniteammo.ca/blog). And yeah I totally agree those new avatars look kickass. :D
And that teaser looks really cool too (although a little vague..You're pure evil, now I'm curious). I wonder how it would work if Bit-Blot and Infinite Ammo are both making a game at the same time. Poor Alec might die! :O

But as long as you're here with us Alec, I wish you good luck with whatever else you try. :) And I'll probably put IA in my bookmarks somewhere too.

The main reason I looked into starting a new team in the first place, is because Derek is taking an indefinitely long break from Bit Blot right now - and I want to keep making games! :)

And yeah, we're not really ready to reveal the new game yet, but when we do I think you guys'll like it.  ^-^

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Re: Infinite Ammo
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2008, 02:17:43 am »
Oh ok, thats cool then.
My site is: http://www.therathole.co.nr/
Where I put pictures and blog posts and stuff..

Offline Danger Mouse

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Re: Infinite Ammo
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2008, 03:12:25 am »
If it's anything on the scale of Aquaria you got me sold. :D heh
Derek must be busy with his comic endeavors or something.... ...It doesn't seem like him to not be busy with something creative. I hope that his talents will come back soon to Bit-Blot. :) Hopefully he can help with more graphics for the editor side of the house of Aquaria.

Offline Nightmareshadow

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Re: Infinite Ammo
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2008, 06:26:03 am »
It's cool that Alec has a new team and all, and I really can't wait to see what he's cooking up, but i guess I'm a little worried.

Not so much about the site or the mod community though, more like Aquaria's future in general.  I mean to stick a to be continued in a game and then never have it come is pure torture.

Still, I can't believe either Alec or Derek would do that, I mean they're gamers, so they get how much it might upset the fans. 

I'm just a little worried is all. 

At the same time I'm excited.  I can't wait to see what Alec and his team is cooking up next.  If the story is even close to being on par with Aquaria's then it'll be pure gold. 

Don't keep us in the dark for too much longer on your new game Alec.
I'll keep asking for an Aquaria sequel until we get it, the sequel to the greatest Indie game of all times, and one of the greatest games period.

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Re: Infinite Ammo
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2008, 01:13:30 pm »
I originally wanted to just keep making games as Bit Blot, but I really can't and don't want to do everything myself. I'm sure Derek's keeping busy doing other creative things... I know I've seen him updating TIGSource a lot, and he's got a comic coming out as part of a collection, which is sweet. I don't know if he's working on other game stuff, 'cause he doesn't tell me much anymore. I think its kind of too bad, I was assuming that we'd just keep making more games and growing the company.

But - when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. The cool thing about my new team is that they'll all be local and we can actually work on stuff in person, which is a billion times more fun and satisfying than working online.

And yeah, there's always a chance that Derek'll want to work on a Bit Blot project again. Who knows what the future holds, right? :D

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Re: Infinite Ammo
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2008, 02:46:40 pm »
I originally wanted to just keep making games as Bit Blot, but I really can't and don't want to do everything myself. I'm sure Derek's keeping busy doing other creative things... I know I've seen him updating TIGSource a lot, and he's got a comic coming out as part of a collection, which is sweet. I don't know if he's working on other game stuff, 'cause he doesn't tell me much anymore. I think its kind of too bad, I was assuming that we'd just keep making more games and growing the company.

But - when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. The cool thing about my new team is that they'll all be local and we can actually work on stuff in person, which is a billion times more fun and satisfying than working online.

And yeah, there's always a chance that Derek'll want to work on a Bit Blot project again. Who knows what the future holds, right? :D

That is sad but sometimes a break is needed so you can come back together refreshed.... I hope because Aquaria 2 just won't be the same without his art (nothing meant against others artwork I'm just talking about Dereks style)
Meanwhile I love what bit I spotted of the new games art in that little tiny picture on your blog Alec :D

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Re: Infinite Ammo
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2008, 03:19:04 pm »
That is sad but sometimes a break is needed so you can come back together refreshed.... I hope because Aquaria 2 just won't be the same without his art (nothing meant against others artwork I'm just talking about Dereks style)

Yeah! I wouldn't want to do another Aquaria game without Derek. :3

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Re: Infinite Ammo
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2008, 09:54:47 pm »
And I hope that you get back working together soon if only for friendships sake...

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Offline Danger Mouse

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Re: Infinite Ammo
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2008, 12:42:23 am »
I'm at least content with the fact that you are still active with your fans here Alec. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that we all appreciate everything that you have accomplished so far and all of your support that you have given thus far. Anxiously awaiting word on who your beta testers will be for the 1.1.0 version for windows will be. I'd definitely love to participate.

Offline Glamador

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Re: Infinite Ammo
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2008, 03:04:59 am »
I decided not to sign up for the beta, I'm no good at finding bugs.  I'm also not sure how I feel about Alec making a new team...I mean, it can't be helped with Derek taking a leave of absence but this just means we have to wait longer for Aquaria 2.

On the other hand if INFINITE AMMO's new game is even half as good I'm excited to see it happen.  If you can't spill the beans on the title, plot, art, or characters how about telling us the genre at least Alec?

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Re: Infinite Ammo
« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2008, 05:06:50 am »
On the other hand if INFINITE AMMO's new game is even half as good I'm excited to see it happen.  If you can't spill the beans on the title, plot, art, or characters how about telling us the genre at least Alec?

I tend to start working on games based on the theme first and then everything else follows from that. Katie and I came up with a story that is partly based on our personal experiences, and then when we added Ian and Chris into the mix they got it right away and then added some of their own flavor. It deals with a lot of ideas that are really important to us, and in an interesting way, it builds on the themes that are present in Aquaria. So in a weird way, it may end up working as a thematic sequel to many of the underlying ideas in Aquaria - because both are partly based on stuff that I tend to think about a lot. And since its been nearly a year since the game came out, I now have a lot of different perspectives on those themes.

Aquaria was made when I was living alone in BC. I moved out there for a girl, and I didn't know anyone else in the province. I lived there for 3 years, and it would alternate between being complete freedom/joy and absolute hell. I think a lot of that feeling of isolation, loneliness and trying to make a relationship work made its way into Aquaria.

This last May, that girl dumped me over msn in a couple sentences. I had a really hard time dealing with how someone could go from seemingly being happy in a long lasting relationship, to ending it in an apparently cold and unfeeling way. The added realization that I had moved away from all my family and friends for 3 years and gone through feeling completely isolated and depressed, ultimately for nothing, was not a pleasant experience.

The game I'm planning with Infinite Ammo is partly inspired by that event, and what comes after.

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Re: Infinite Ammo
« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2008, 05:28:13 am »
wow, really shaken up around here! I hope all is well with Derek, whatever he chooses to do, his contribution to Aquaria was a gift to everyone. power to you Alec for sallying forth and forging new endeavours, you will have to be very elusive to lose your fanbase here ;)  hope that your relationship experiences in BC hasn't soured you totally on the place, personally I couldn't see myself living anywhere else! I did find living in Vancouver difficult as my support network wasn't as strong as it is on the island, and with basically infinite people around you that can be overwhelming. good luck with whatever you guys are up to!
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