Hey. I got Aquaria a couple of days ago. I'm about 28 - 30 hours in it's going well, but I'll save my opinion for later - I plan to do a full review once I've completed it. I've got energy, beast, spirit, fish and nature forms and I've also found Li. I've wondered blindly around the abyss for a bit, I've had a look at the Sun temple in The Veil, and I'm prevented from advancing by the dark area near the bottom. I've killed both the energy boss and the Trogdor boss in Mithalas, as well as the nature boss, the three priests, the giant enemy crab, the giant enemy mollusc in Home Waters and the Pirahna boss.
I've been to all the places on
this map, and pretty much explored everywhere. The only place I know I haven't visited is the lowest straight in the left-hand abyss cavern, and I don't expect I'm supposed to go there until I get a light of some kind. So far I've been using song to call light sources too me, but it almost always ends up in them either being eaten by the random mouths down there and I'm stranded with no map and no light, relying on my logic and questionable sense of direction to get me out alive. It's oddly fun though...
Ultimately, I'm now stuck. I can't see anywhere else on the map I'm missing, and lacking a walkthrough, I don't really have many other options. Please, by all means ask me questions if it'll help you help me, but please try and refrain from spoilers. I'm really getting into this and I'd like the experience to be preserved for now
