I'd say it was a pretty good montage. =)
If I was to include any other indie games in such a list, I'd probably include Savage, Alien Hominid, or Cave Story.
I could have made it 200 Games, but that would be a bit tougher and I'd probable have to squeeze a lot of games I never played before. Doesn't matter if the game is indie or not, as long as it's great. Though I tend to like a lot of indie games, once I'm done with them, they quickly fade away for me. So that's why Aquaria made it in, it's a just that much more important than many other games for me.
that's a great montage and well put together to the music, good job! think that I recognized around half of the games shown there and am curious is you have a text list to go with this?
Yep, here it is:
001) Sonic The Hedgehog
002) Chrono Trigger
003) Pokemon Stadium
004) Shemue
005) Tekken
006) Abuse
007) Jet Set Radio Future
008) Burnout 3: Takedown
009) Alien Vs Predator
010) Sega Nights
011) Silent Hill
012) Starcraft
013) Metal Slug 3
014) Prey
015) Power Stone 2
016) Beyond Good & Evil
017) Super Metroid
018) Grand Theft Auto 4
019) Mortal Kombat 2
020) Def Jam: Fight For NY
021) Worms Armageddon
022) Sam & Max Hit The Road
023) Primal Rage
024) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles In Time
025) Bioforge
026) House Of The Dead 3
027) Dune 2
028) Startopia
029) Turok: Dinosaurs Hunter
030) Commandos 2
031) Deus Ex
032) Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
033) Day Of The Tentacle
034) God Of War 2
035) Knights Of The Old Republic
036) Ally Cat
037) Xenogears
038) Psychonauts
039) Half-Life 2
040) Rayman
041) Sacrifice
042) Portal
043) Zeliard
044) Starfox 64
045) Warcraft 3
046) Metal Warriors
047) Megaman 8
048) Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots
049) Command & Conquer
050) Civilization 4
051) Warhammer 40k: Dawn Of War
052) Space Quest 4
053) Golden Axe
054) Fable
055) Bubble Bobble
056) Duke Nukem 3D
057) Mario Brothers
058) System Shock 2
059) Call Of Duty 4
060) Kings Quest 6
061) Castlevania 4
062) Gears Of War
063) Full Throttle
064) Fury Of The Furries
065) Unreal Tournament 2004
066) Dragon's Lair
067) Mass Effect
068) Fallout 2
069) Dangerous Dave 2
070) Rogue Squadron
071) Planescape Torment
072) Star Control 2
073) Earthworm Jim
074) Aquaria
075) Bioshock
076) Resident Evil 4
077) Jade Empire
078) Giants: Citizen Kabuto
079) Commander Keen: Goodbye Galaxy!
080) Dark Forces
081) Grim Fandango
082) Odium/Gorky 17
083) Legacy Of Kain: Defiance
084) One Must Fall 2079
085) Jazz Jackrabbit
086) Diablo 2
087) Halo 3
088) Final Fantasy 7
089) Soul Calibur 4
090) Super Smash Bros Brawl
091) Ninja Gaiden
092) Shadow Of The Colossus
093) Zelda: Twilight Princess
094) Xenosaga
095) Max Payne 2
096) Doom 3
097) Dead Or Alive 4
098) Prince Of Persia 2
099) Thief 2
100) Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
Loved it and I recognised quite a few games and some I've actually played like Sam and Max and Day of the Tentacle I loved those games
I recognized the cartoonlike Skeleton character from a game I played but I can't recall the title now?
I spotted Doom, Shadow of the Collosus, Call of Duty and Assasins Creed and but I haven't played them just either watched my son or seen shorts on the internet.
The Cartoon Skeleton is called Manuel Calavera from a game called
Grim Fandango, by none-other than the legendary Tim Schafer.
Assassins Creed isn't in that list though, which game did you think was it? Maybe Thief 2?
Recognized a lot of games on that list.
I gotta say that I'm very impressed by it in general, as it covers nearly all genres, and doesn't play to some of the more obvious fanboyism, like having three halos or four final fantasy titles, or 5 Zelda games. The diversity was refreshing, and not only were there games i knew, but some of the footage made me want to go play some of the games I didn't.
Love that Abuse and Metal warriors made the cut, and of course ecstatic that Aquaria was there with them. Love the Xenosaga and twilight princess footage as well.
Anyway, great job, I really think the footage and music matched well. Maybe people will see this and wonder what Aquaria is, then go out and play it...like they should!
Awesome work.
Thank you

Well I really liked that. I did. I recognized a bunch, but not all of them. Most of them I agreed with. But Aquaria got less time than almost any of them!
I know Aquaria wasn't there for long, but I tried managing the music with the different footage I had. Some games I really wanted to show more of but it just didn't work well, eventually it turned out for the better. Sometimes you gotta learn to cut thing you really like, in order for them to work.
Thanks for all the kind words people.