Everyday, someone complains about the "one thing" they don't like about the game. Everyone has their own pet peeve.
The reason why perfection doesn't exist, is because someone will always find something to complain about.

A good judgement is whether you can tell whether its good complaint or not.
When added up, pretty much everything in the game has been complained about. To improve the game for everyone's enjoyment, every aspect would have to be changed.
A large section of gamers are a rather whiny bunch. Just look over several gamer forums.
Rather then trying to please everybody, I say try to find the most valid criticisms and ignore the rest. It's impossible to please everybody.
I've been trying to work on that, but its pretty depressing when you can't trust your own instincts and you have nobody to bounce your ideas off of.
Have you thought of getting beta testers and playtests? Valve uses them allot and it works for them, they can really improve the game, just by watching how they play.
That's one of the reasons the Mac version is taking a long time to finish. Its pretty hard to try to make something perfect on your own.
So you are remaking the game for the Mac version? Will the PC version be patched, or modded or something?
I once saw an 8-page wall of enormous text emerge. The shocking thing isn't that was just random responses but a somewhat rational discussion with a anarcho-liberal.
Of course there was some poo-flinging going about as the mentioned anarcho-liberal has certain problems with grasping the idea of logic. However, the mentioned anarcho-libertarianism is very discussed. Eventually, the anarcho-liberall (volounterist or something, the members nicknamed him Volleyball), gone into a one-on-one discussion. You can view that here, if you want:
http://bbs.stardestroyer.net/viewtopic.php?t=119956This was something I realized recently while watching this. Found it really interesting.
I agree, its rather interesting. She must have a very stressing job when she's actually happy having a brain hemoreage. Either that, or there was a release of endorfins with it.
It was definitely an experience for her. What I wonder just how much of what she says is metaphorical and how much is religous. I am getting more and more of the impression that there was brain damage.
So the plan was to make it, as you described, shocking (and perhaps even uncomfortable)... not so much tragic, I think.
So it was deliberately handled like that? In that case, okay, I can take it. I do not just so much as point this out, but discuss it with the people here. Was it on purpose to make it shocking? Should it be changed?
Man vs. Woman
Creation vs. Nature
Right Hemisphere of the Brain vs. the Left Hemisphere
Faith (powerful, often misplaced)
Love (powerful, often misplaced)
where Man and Creation are linked
and Women and Nature are linked (natural birth being part of nature)
The meeting of conflicts. A very romanticist element. I think.