I noticed that in the Aquaria Modding section, a lot of people were focusing more on trying to make big, hearty expansions with new storylines and characters and so on. With all due respect, this is TOTALLY AWESOME, it seems like it would take a long while before it would be done. I think that instead of doing that, I should create Aquaria "shorts", quick coffee break levels that are admired not for their depth, but their design or innovation. I've had little experience with the editor, but I'm sure I'll be able to post a few shorts by the next week and a half.
A few ideas I'm working on...
1:A kelp-foresty cave with seaweed everywhere, lightly covering up and hiding secret passages or important items.
2:A vertical downwards passage not unlike the one with those projectile firing squids, but with many side passages to make travel/combat more varied.
3:A level in which all the currents go in circles, creating puzzling whirlpools that meander your progress or makes fights more frantic.