In response to your post, Bear, I was desperately in need of plant leaves throughout the whole game, as well as fish oil. Special bulbs were also pretty uncommon, as well as some Pre-cooked food items (I distinctly remember those huge bug-like things in the Kelp Forest giving me an Arcane Poultice once). Maybe it would be a wise idea to add more schools of fishes in the maps, and, if you're up to coding, you can add an item like the Mithalas Pot, though instead of spawning meat it could spawn Plant leaves instead. That would REALLY come in handy, but it might make things TOO easy...
Also, what are the odds you could somehow make the third cooking slot available to players outside a kitchen? You could do this the easy way and just drop Simon in there (though that might tick people off, since lots of people hated Simon in the original Aquaria), or somehow make a character drop the slot after talking to them. Perhaps after helping Kaleb in Vision 2, he could give it to you. I dunno, it's your mod.
However, I kind of...well, cheated. I just went into the editor and spawned a ton of small crystals and had Elena collect them all. Shopping is so much easier if you can just make money fall from the sky.

Alright, now that I'm done doing your job for you, time to feed the ego! I spent a little while with the Content Patch, and it was pretty awesome.
First off, World map is DEFINITELY an improvement. True, the areas aren't grayed out, but it's very helpful. I almost want to go through the whole world again, just to complete the map. But, I was short on time.
Next up, Naija and Elena's adventure. I found that Controlling Feldor was quite intuitive, and I had Auto-aim on and just stayed in Energy form and shot at whatever was close to us. Feldor makes an AWESOME tank.
I do have to report a bug, though. After exiting Old Fred's arena, I exited the map and returned to see that Naija and Feldor were in the cavern, waiting for me. However, I was not able to talk to Naija again when I came back. The little speech bubble was floating all alone, and Naija was near Feldor's rear end, waiting for me to get on. I'm not sure if it was intended, but I wanted to talk to her again. Oh well.
Speaking of Old Fred's arena, it was pretty cool. The Boss Rush mode will make great practice for trying out new things, but having recently beaten most of them already in my Let's Play of Aquaria, I wasn't too keen about fighting them again so soon. As for the Bullet Hell, I honestly had no idea what was going on. I killed all the enemies in the area, and I expected to be warped out of the map and back to the Arena, but nothing happened. I swam around confused for like three minutes, went into the editor to have a look around, went back to the game, and was greeted by the text "You Have Died!" and was teleported back to the Arena. Was that supposed to happen? If not, what was?
Also, will you be adding more arena challenges as time goes on? I'd really like to fight more bosses, or more Bullet Hells, or see what Navigation challenges are.
Just one more nitpick: When I first entered the Adventure cave, and the Sunken Forest area, no music was playing. I went to the editor (are you starting to see a pattern here?), picked set music, and saw that "Cave" had been misspelled as "cav" and "Forestgod" as "Forestgo". In essence, the last letter of both tracks was missing. I added it in, and saved the maps, but I still wondered why it was saved like that.
I have yet to see the other changes you made, but I just wanted to see the new stuff first. I was impressed, but it just...didn't provoke the same strong feelings that Sacrifice first did on me. I still applaud your efforts, these additions are simply incredible, and get me VERY excited for future Aquaria mods.
One more thing: Would you please list all the treasures you put into Sacrifice? DO NOT tell me where they are, just list the treasures that were included. I want to see if I got everything.

Wow. Sorry for the epic length post, but all this needed to be said. Remember Bear, you are one of the greatest guys on these forums, and what you've done here is nothing less than incredible. Oh sure, there are some flaws, but overall, it is one of the best things produced by the people here.