After 18 months since development first started Aquaria: Sacrifice is finally released.
Download Aquaria: Sacrifice (24.5mb) extract to aquaria/_mods
-- you must be updated to the most recent version of Aquaria
Read This While You DownloadAt the beginning of this project I knew nothing about programming. I can remember opening LUA files and having no clue what was going on. It's ridiculous how much I've learned about all aspects of game development doing this project and I can't wait to do more. I will, of course, continue to support Sacrifice by attempting to fix any and all bugs you may come across. Additional content in the form of levels, dialogue, and game modes (such as the defend missions) is a definite possibility sometime in the future. There have been more than a few times that I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel but I just kept going. No sacrifice (lulz) has been made in the quality department to rush this out in months past. There will always be more stuff I'll want to add to Sacrifice but for the moment I am content. I eagerly await your bugs and feedback as you play through the final days of Mithalas.
Thanks to AlphaSoldier for testing during Alpha, Quemaqua for editing roughly 16,000 words of dialogue, and Alec for making such an awesome toolset.