Very nice, A lot of detail was put into it, I noticed in the begin that the objects were a bit scrambled... I don't know how to put it, but in the original game it felt like every plant and orgnism had it own spot, but that soon changed when entering the energy temple, I found it very nice and also liked that you could take two ways, even though it ended up as one, confused me at times, but gave it a nice edge. I once again awe at the detail you put in, you did a very good job, which I could do stuff like that. Then the enemies started appearing, also going from very easy to somewhat harder, but nothing that can't be handled, I had only one point of damage the entire run through and that was from those Virus sorts of enemies that barrage you with bullets, was cornered within seconds.
I also noticed that some of the tiles were on the wrong layers, don't know if on purpose or not, but it looked unnatural, like the columns sticking out infront of everything. And some of the plants sticking onto rocks and moss, It just looked weird.The dark layers kind of confused me, I think you put every bit of black on the dark layer (J?), while that makes your minimap black out and make them be lit up with sun form, which is bad, I advise you put some on layer 9 or so, or even make a mix of it, would be more handy. Especially things like the round stuff by exits and entrances.
I found out that alot of the blue patches, that normally have healh plants in/on them, didn't have them at all, don't know if this was done on purpose or was just forgotten, I presume it was indeed on purpose.
The miniboss fight with the Blaster Prime first kind of scared me, seeing I don't even remember that boss for some reason, the laugh freaked me out, propably did in the first time with the original game too, but came out of that unharmed.
Then a VERY big point afaik... Edges of maps, I don't know if you realised it, but the controls of Aquaria is pure from the middle, when you go to the edge of the map, the maps stops at the edge, letting Naija get away from the center, being at the side, while the game still thinks she is in the middle, which makes you control Naija like she's in the middle while she's at the side of the map, it can be quite a bother at times.
Then finally, the exit that takes you to that window kind of thing amused me, but I couldn't get back in, which bothered me again, I'm not a big fan of one way doors. And I know you didn't script much yet, but was the statue you collected supposed to show up somewhere?
Once again, very nice mod, I really wonder where you get the imagination, very good job, I hope you continue with this.