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Author Topic: Aquaria: Sacrifice v1.12  (Read 476607 times)

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Offline ryos

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice v1.04
« Reply #255 on: September 07, 2009, 09:23:32 pm »
Wormhole in Cathedral
While I was mapping out that level I felt that I needed to do something a little different than the main campaign. I tried to bring attention to the hole by its placement in the room in hopes that players would use it. However, I can see how it's not the most intuitive design decision. I think I'll  see how a whirlpool particle effect looks and do a better job of teaching the player how it works.

A different graphic would also do the trick. Something that doesn't say "I'm dangerous, avoid me" so players don't, um, avoid it as a matter of course.

Speech Bubbles
I was confused as to whether you're against the speech bubbles entirely? An orphaned speech bubble would certainly be funny but I'll prevent the Scout from being affected by the rock.

The speech bubbles are fine. I was just commenting that, as a consequence of the speech bubbles, everyone you can talk to has to remain stationary. No biggie.

Action Offstage/Difficulty
How could I improve this? My initial thought was that Vanilla Aquaria was more about discovery and so the same type of exploration in Sacrifice is not satisfactory. Should I add more "story purpose" to what Elena is doing? Would more boss fights be a remedy to this situation? On the subject of difficulty is there an obvious factor? Are there to many save crystals to replenish health and/or to many opportunities for food items? Is it case where knowing all enemy and boss patterns removes that initial difficult feeling? I've had someone tell me they thought it was to hard and where I can't please everyone it seems that the majority think things are to easy.

That's interesting, because it seems to me that Sacrifice *is* about discovery and exploration. The problem is that while Elena is off discovering things about her past, the main plot is moving on without her. Fixing this would probably take more work than it's worth - as I said, video games can get away with this sort of thing because the gameplay works on its own.

If you're looking for a quick fix, though, there may be a way to do it. Look for ways to make the player feel like they're participating in the main storyline, and that the things they do cause other things to happen. To give more specific suggestions, I'm afraid I'd have to play through again.

As for difficulty...hmm. It's not the save crystals or the food items. It's not the bosses either (actually, with three exceptions I found the bosses in Aquaria to be fairly easy). The main difficulty in the main game came through just swimming around in dangerous waters. In Sacrifice, you can in large measure just ignore the enemies if you want to. Try that in the southern "open waters" of the main game, with all the projectiles and nautiluses, and you won't last very long at all.

Young Fred's Brain
I've been brainstorming a level that was cut and added numerous times during production in the Veil (door with no holder blocking northeast).

Oh, so *that's* what that was for. You had to know that, after talking to Young Fred, we'd go moving every rock we could, right? :P

Lastly, FYI, my last save game clocks in at 5:30. I probably spent 30 minutes in the ending sequence as well.

Offline TheBear

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice v1.04
« Reply #256 on: September 11, 2009, 10:01:26 pm »
I've been relaxing a bit since releasing Sacrifice 3 weeks ago but will be diving back in soon to create some additional content. I'll have some specifics on what I'll be adding in a week or so. The job hunt has started for me and I'm in the process of setting up my portfolio. The one thing that may interest you guys is the inclusion of the entire Sacrifice script I used during development. You can see how dialog trees branch and find a few things that ended up getting cut.

I did a little research on creating EXE files and found a pretty cool program that makes things pretty easy. If a MAC user could test this out and make sure it works I'll start using executables instead of RARing.

Offline ryos

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice v1.04
« Reply #257 on: September 12, 2009, 06:43:17 am »
That's a Windows executable. It won't work on the Mac.

If you want to be truly cross-platform, use zip. Mac users need a third-party program to open RAR archives, but the OS handles zip files natively.

Offline TheBear

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice v1.04
« Reply #258 on: September 12, 2009, 05:03:20 pm »
That's a Windows executable. It won't work on the Mac. If you want to be truly cross-platform, use zip. Mac users need a third-party program to open RAR archives, but the OS handles zip files natively.


Offline Zeke

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice v1.04
« Reply #259 on: September 21, 2009, 08:22:57 am »
Ohhhhhhhh my goodness.  This is so spiffy!  I was transitioning computers and starting school again when this came out, and now I finally have time to play it!

Thank you so so much, TheBear.  I have been itching to get my uncharted Aquaria on ever since I beat it the first time, and this wonderful mod delivers, and then some.  The storyline is good, the mechanics are interesting and balanced (although, it's a little odd still remembering most of the recipes and just making them offhand).  I also like teenage Naija the most of anything in it so far; she never seemed like a personable character in Aquaria proper (a consequence of amnesia, I'm sure), and this expands on her quite nicely.

I have yet to finish, so I haven't looked at any of the bug/reaction posts here, but here's a few things off the top of my head:


1.  Is there any way I could have arranged to fight all the laser-squid in Old Fred's place?  The Walker sucked me out the tube, but I totally could have taken those sucka-fools.

2.  There are a few typos/aesthetic changes (word flow and usage) I would make to the script, if you would like input on it.

3.  The speech interface, while awesome, doesn't support the USB gamepad I use for every other aspect of play; I still have to use the mouse.  Is this any easy fix, that you or I could do?

4.  Turtle menus are excellent!

Props also for making it impossible (I think) to fall off the side of the screen like you can in The Veil proper.  Here's a picture of me hanging on the roof of the world!

Offline TheBear

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice v1.04
« Reply #260 on: September 21, 2009, 09:27:31 am »
1) No, it's scripted to be that way. However, if you're feeling moddy open up "node_cs_pipeSuck.lua" in the Scripts folder. Near the top you'll find two variables: "Delay" is how long to wait before sucking to the tube while "DelayLoadMap" should be self-explanatory. Bump these up to say 40 and 43 respectively and that should give you enough time to kill them.

2) Of course! As I said a few posts back the entire script is available on my online portfolio which should make pointing out problems much easier.

3) Bummer! After doing some searching it looks like I would have to create some sort of navbar for the gamepad. I'll take a look at it when I'm not so tired but I don't have a USB gamepad so I don't have anyway to test it... i should probably get one.

4) I know!

lol nice job getting up so high
« Last Edit: September 21, 2009, 09:31:44 am by TheBear »

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice v1.04
« Reply #261 on: October 08, 2009, 05:44:51 pm »
Hmm... what's going on here?

Offline Sindhi

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice v1.04
« Reply #262 on: October 09, 2009, 12:17:49 am »
what are you up to, Bear? Not the hetero male's biggest fantasy, twins?
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Offline TheBear

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice v1.04
« Reply #263 on: October 09, 2009, 05:04:15 am »
what are you up to, Bear? Not the hetero male's biggest fantasy, twins?
It's Elena and Naija on an adventure (not twins). I'll release some specifics on the first major content patch once I have a bit more done. This be what dem peoplez calls sort of a teaser.

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice v1.04
« Reply #264 on: October 09, 2009, 08:28:41 pm »
That was uncalled for Sindhi! D:
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Offline Joey245

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice v1.04
« Reply #265 on: October 13, 2009, 03:34:51 am »
Mr. TheBear, it's safe to say that you have made me fall in love with Aquaria all over again. This mod is SUPERB, it's ASTOUNDING, it's...BEAUTIFUL.

It really feels like it could be a prequel to Aquaria, with pretty amazing dialogue trees, a well thought out story, and you've managed to capture the mystery and color of the original in a completely different way.

I haven't played the whole thing yet (I'm a pretty slow player and a procrastinator), but from what I've played s0 far, is pretty incredible.

My complaints with the game are few and far between. For starters, the story, while superb, only seems intent on making us revisit locales from the main game. I suppose this makes sense, since this is a prequel, but still, visiting somewhere that wasn't in the original game would have made an interesting change of pace. Still, the new layouts and the dialogue options make these areas seem fresh and new.

Second, it seems that there is a finite amount of currency in Sacrifice. And let me tell you, while it may be realistic for there to be a finite amount of currency, it will almost always cause problems for the players.

Good things about the game?
-Gorgeous backdrops and layout.
-branching dialogue trees give an even greater sense of immersion than the original (and Aquaria was very immersive)
-Menus for the Ancient Turtles (YESSSSS!)
-Old Fred. Need I say more?

Overall: 9.5/10
"The Verse binds us, narrator and explorer. My story will become your own, and yours will become mine. You will live my life through my eyes...and you will learn the truth."

Offline TheBear

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice v1.04
« Reply #266 on: October 13, 2009, 02:46:26 pm »
Thanks Joey!
For starters, the story, while superb, only seems intent on making us revisit locales from the main game.
Yeah, that was a consequence of me not being artist to create new assets. During the last couple months of production I tried to combine different tilesets to try to make a couple of the maps more unique (IcyVeil, Vision2).
Second, it seems that there is a finite amount of currency in Sacrifice.
Both of the defend missions (Crystal Cave and Vision2) can be repeated as many times as you like for an additional Small Crystal. I considered adding them as a possible drop from certain enemies at one point so maybe I'll return to that idea.

Offline auros

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice v1.04
« Reply #267 on: October 14, 2009, 12:00:40 am »
So, I played through the mod last night.  Very impressive work with the map construction, and I thought the addition of RPG elements (currency, dialogue, etc) was excellent.

The transit system was great (no more cycling through four turtles to get where I'm going!) but the look could stand to be made more consistent with the rest of the game.  Oh, also, bug:  For some reason, I was offered all the turtle locations, from the time I had found my second turtle.  (With only one, it told me I had to find more.  But once I had two, all the locations appeared in the transit dialog*.)  I never did try going to a location I hadn't unlocked, because I wanted to play through without "cheating".  Could give it a try, if you want...

* I've just realized that my brain makes a distinction between "dialogue" (conversation between characters, or sometimes between people in real life) and "dialog" (a structured text interaction between a user and a computer).  I'd never noticed before that I did that...  Though I also distinguish between theatres (where you see live performances of high-culture stuff like opera or ballet) and theaters (where you see movies).

(Warning!  Spoilery spoilerful spoilers appear below!)

I agree with Ryos, though, that the ending was a let down.  Probably a tall order, but it would be pretty awesome if you could actually get Mithala and first-form Creator fighting each other, and have Elena need to either stay out of the cross fire, or join the fight on one side or the other.  (You'd have to mark one or the other as a valid target, depending on dialogue...  I'm sure the code would be complicated, but it seems like in theory it ought to be possible.)  In any case, in the last couple segments, I wasn't entirely certain what was going on -- how much of the end was real, how much was delusion induced by Mia, what actually happened to Elena in the end...  It'd also, obviously, be pretty fantastic if you could -- if your dialogue indicated that you wanted to -- fight Vedha at the end.  Of course, that would require a LOT of scripting, since AFAIK Vedha has no combat script in the original game.  (Also, maybe if you indicate in dialogue that you're aligning yourself on Vedha's side, you could join her in doing some part of the final-stage Creator fight.  You could even get Dual Form as a merge between Elena and Vedha, so that you could complete the final section.)  In either case, after the fight, you'd have a cut-scene explaining that Mia/Vedha was badly wounded, the Creator was not destroyed but was sufficiently mentally impaired by the encounter to keep him from interfering too much with Naija, and Elena ended up either dead or trapped somewhere that kept her out of Naija's story...

I only found 5 of the 6 large crystals, in large part because the World Map view was not working.  The lower-right corner minimap was fine (and allowed me to notice the wormhole entrance easily -- it's a big pulsating white dot in the minimap!), but double-clicking it, or using the keyboard shortcut that in the main campaign brings up the world map, was non-functional.  My understanding is that this is a glitch in the application, not the mod?  Very unfortunate.  In any case, with no way to consult a map to tell where I'd already been, it was difficult keeping track of where I might need to come back to with a different form, what areas I'd failed to explore, etc.

I did have one crash.  (In case it matters, I'm running the new OSX version, 10.6, a.k.a. Snow Leopard.)  The first time I visited Old Fred, I talked with him, got the "fetch the soup" mission, then busted open Young Fred's jar and talked to him a bit, then on a whim clicked Old Fred again.  Instead of going to dialog, the game completely froze, to the point that I couldn't even Cmd-Tab or Cmd-Q to get out of it.  I had to hold down the power button to shut the machine off.  (Fortunately, I'd saved at the crystal in the Veil shortly before finding the Freds' house.)

Also, I guess maybe I'm in the minority, but I found Old Fred more irritating than entertaining...  Funny at first, but excessive.

Clearly, we should be able to find the other half of Young Fred's brain and return it to him in exchange for a treasure. :)

Finally:  Do you think Alec intended for Vedha and Mia to be the same person, or for Vedha to be her shadow form?  Or was that just something you came up with completely on your own?

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice v1.04
« Reply #268 on: October 14, 2009, 03:06:46 am »
For some reason, I was offered all the turtle locations, from the time I had found my second turtle.
All of the locations are listed but you will only be able to go to turtles you've found (your cursor should only glow over locations you can transit to). I was going to add the locations individually as you found them (most games do this) but I decided to list them all outright.
Dialog vs Dialogue
I've always used Dialogue. There's no use for the "UE" which is kinda confusing but it looks a lot smarter than dialog.
I agree with Ryos, though, that the ending was a let down.
I've been prototyping some boss stuff for the ending to be included in the first (and maybe only) content patch.
I only found 5 of the 6 large crystals, in large part because the World Map view was not working.
I should probably bold this on the front page somewhere: "I cannot create a minimap for you to view in game on the mod side (needs official support via a patch)."
I did have one crash.
It works fine on my end but it may be something obscure. I would guess that it's just a general crash that could have happened at any time.
The Fred's
I can certainly understand not everyone liking Old Fred. Young Fred's brain will be added in the content patch.
Mia = Vedha
I don't think Alec explicitly stated it anywhere. Naija's home is known as Vedha's Cave and there is some old dialogue tree stuff, that I believe you found, that has Vedha as a teacher in Mithalas. My mind ran with the idea and created a backstory for two of 13's many names. Hopefully, what follows is not to confusing. 13 switched between names and forms as she traversed Aquaria forming and breaking alliances as she executed her master plan. Elena was 13's first child and served as her apprentice. Always anticipating betrayal, even from Elena, 13 "hid" her second daughter Naija in Mithalas. Vedha and Mia were both 13's name when she lived in Mithalas (Vedha as teacher/healer and Mia as mother/citizen). 13 insisted on being called different names depending on the situation as she wanted every creature to understand that she was perfect. It was her way of showing that her knowledge/power/etc made her much more than the average Mithalan (multiple names equating to multiple creatures). Eventually, 13 took Vedha for the name of her shadow form. Vedha was known as a healer (taught the Verse but specifically healing) and 13 saw her crusade to return power to the heavens to be a necessary cleansing.

Perhaps in simpler terms 13 lived two separate lives. She was a fierce warrior and soothsayer (mainly her shadow form) who loathed Mithalas with Elena and a loving mother and helping teacher with Naija in Mithalas. Deep down 13 knew that her life in Mithalas was what most creatures would want from her. This is why she allowed Elena to start a new life in Mithalas with Drask. As time passed 13 began to fear that Elena and Naija would put the missing pieces together and that she would not be able to defeat Eric. Vedha began to turn Naija into a tool of destruction (Naija is the only creature aware of her multiple forms).

Maybe that was to much information. Sorry if I confused you more.

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice v1.04
« Reply #269 on: October 15, 2009, 12:42:53 am »
When I pressing TAB I'm getting like the whole level structure. Is that ok? :P Actually, I did assign an "open map" action for that key...