Walker will no longer crash after returning from the EnergyTemple (needs verification)
I'll add a second confirmation that no more Walker conversations crash.
Old Fred is awesome.Second, is it just me, or are all the creatures in the Mithalas Cathedral section really, really, really weak? It only takes a couple of hits to take out a merman, and the laser-eye things die practically before they finish revealing their weak points. Am I mis-remembering the original game, or did you change the power/hitpoint balance?
Third, a bug. During Drask's battle with the priestesses, about a second after he first stabs one of them, the game interface locked up. The music kept playing, but nothing changed on-screen. Eventually I managed to hit a key (enter) that snapped me back to Elena, but I'm not sure if it was the enter key or the amount of time since the lock-up, or both. Furthermore, after my own battle with said priestesses, I noticed that Drask showed up only as a single white pixel that wanted to say something, and when I tried to talk to him, the interface locked up again. I eventually got the dialog box to show up, but at that point I gave up and quit the game.
I suspect that partway into the battle, you change his sprite and/or entity to something you made yourself, and for some reason it doesn't work. This messes up the game engine when it tries to call animations for that entity.
(NOTE: It will be difficult for me to test any fixes you make to the cut-scene, as I idiotically overwrote my previous save file afterwards. However, I should be able to test changes to conversation with Drask afterwards.)
- Edwards