For some reason I wouldn't be surprised if PA didn't find it to be their cup o' tea. The indie games Tycho has posted about on his front page are usually strategy/tactical/scifi games. He also likes World of Goo and Bridge Builder... physics-based building games. On the mainstream console side, they seem to like RPG's and big blockbuster actioney stuff (Gears, Assassin's Creed, etc.). Don't want to pidgeonhole them, but that's just what I've casually observed.
But, as you guys pointed out, they're just 2 out of 50 people judging, and most people seem to really enjoy the game, so I think we'd have a fair chance.
The real reason why I might choose not to enter is because we won the Seumas last year and our game is out and selling. And there are a lot of great games that haven't won anything and need to get the kind of attention we've already gotten to be successful.

(Not that I think we'd necessarily win if we entered. I think it'd be really fierce competition. But you see what I'm saying, I hope!)