Some more screenshots from hard to reach areas.

I spent some time trying to get up here about a month and a half ago before I stopped playing the game, but it got too tedious having to climb all the way back up after every failed attempt, so I gave up then.

I gave it another go today, and after several failed attempts of this...

... I tried another method. I went to the hill with the temple on it and briar-rocketed myself over. By "briar-rocket" I mean this: I jumped onto a brair aimed in the northeast direction, then planted another briar that would hit me as it sprouted out. Sometimes when doing this, it would only push me a few feet, while other times it would send me flying at insane velocities. I wish I could get a recording of it, but the aforementioned framerate issue made it impossible.

Like in the frozen veil, you can fall off the map here. You can also swim down and actually go underneath the map. While swimming underneath the map, I found a spot where there was a sonar icon on the mini-map. I wasn't able to enter it or anything though.

Used another briar-rocket to reach this.

Unfortunately, that was as far up as I got before I accidentally briar-rocketed myself away.

Another briar-rocket to get up here. I found something strange up in the northwest corner here. No idea wtf is up with it.