Hey all, have had a rough week in regards to my computer... it crashed last weekend and the people we tried to get to fix it were overloaded with work and couldn't get to us for a while... and then we lost all our data. So, I redownloaded and reinstalled Aquaria, and I go to play it and I get this really weird lag. The game loaded, and then as the intro movie is playing, the music seems to be going the right speed, but the actual visual part is not. The intro movie took about 2 minutes on a part I think was originally supposed to be like 30 seconds at most - the part with the flying island/castle thing and the blimps. I knew that was wrong, and tried to skip it so I could at least load the main title screen. When I got to that part, it took about 2-3 minutes to load and then I couldn't get it to do hardly anything. I ended up closing it with ctrl-alt-del and then rebooting my computer. That didn't seem to do anything, because I tried again, but this time it still took a very long time, there was a visible jerking to the animation, and I didn't get very far. I tried this a few times, and also changed the settings around on the configuration, but that type of stuff kind of goes over my head

. Any suggestions? Is this a problem with my computer or with my copy of the game? (I'd say the computer, but I don't know what to tweak to fix it, if it can be fixed

) I don't know how to check my computer information anymore, but it worked fine on my computer before it crashed... so I figure I'm missing some kind of program I had before that somehow helped run it, or that some setting has been changed back to the default. Thanks a lot and have a wonderful day.
PS: I'm using Windows XP, and it's an older version.... like from 2004 or 2002 or something.