she can teleport, or at least manifest a vision of herself somewhere else. she can mess with memories and possibly dreams. I'd also just assume her powers were too much for Naija or had some specific unbeatable ability to imprison her.
so far my route has been open waters off to kelp forest, fish form then nature form ( you can get that jelly egg if you ricochet yourself off the bouncy jellies in fish form ~just so~ ), off to Mithalis to get beast form, double back to get spirit, off to the veil, first stop get Li, then sun form, dumbo octopus for 2nd pet, back home to get blaster peg.
tentative plans are to go all the way to ice veil next to get jelly outfit. been playing as much as I can in nature and found her to be most effective in kelp forest and not as efficient in the whole Mithalis culdesac. if you time it right briars are great against sharks but invariably useless against starfish who prefer to shoot at you instead of making any actual contact, it's really creature specific strategies.