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Author Topic: Polishing up for xbox/psn/steam  (Read 7939 times)

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Offline durrem

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Polishing up for xbox/psn/steam
« on: December 28, 2007, 12:24:09 pm »
I really love this game and would like it to be as polished as it could be when it hits the big time distributions.  Most of this was covered in other threads, but after giving it a lot of thought, here is what I would like to see:

1.  Ingredient sort button.  It would be nice to click a button to have all of the usable items moved to the front of the list and the ingredient moved to the back (maybe alphabetically).  You could tap it again to reverse it (ingredients first).

2.  After game save feature.  Some of you would be familiar with this as the Save+ feature of some console RPGs.  After you beat the game you are given the option to save the game to a new slot.  The game resets back to the beginning of the game and you lose the spells/forms/treasure/map progress but you keep your ingredient and recipes.  This gives you a nice incentive to play through the game again.

3.  Pop up item descriptions of recipes.

4.  If you play the game again (Save+), have pop up translations available for all the Aquarian language messages.  This seems like it might be hard to program, but if you get it working for recipes it might not be so bad.

5.  Be able to see the progress in different map sections than the one you are on.

6.  Map notes.  This might not be viable for xbox/psn...


7.  A lot of people seem to have problems with the cathedral boss because they don't realize that flashing yellow means no damage.  I think if there was some sort of message/voiceover indicating that yellow means no damage the first battle this happens (the energy temple) then this wouldn't be so much of a problem.  They would be properly trained to recognize this in the cathedral.

8.  I think a little more indication that you should follow Li might be a good idea as well.

Ok, that's all I can think of for now.  I know you are busy working out the bugs, like the widescreen problems.  As mentioned in that other thread I can't find right now, consider this my extended playtest report and take it with a grain of salt :)

Offline MackaN

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Re: Polishing up for xbox/psn/steam
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2007, 10:19:50 pm »
Actually, I think the format I'd love the most would be WiiWare, with the Wii remote pointing. I would buy that instantly. And I'm sure alot of the Wii owners would like it as well. (mostly casual?) (btw, im still not sure if im to buy the PC version, still playing the demo and im a cheap baztard when it comes to the PC :P)

Offline dhakkel

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Re: Polishing up for xbox/psn/steam
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2007, 10:37:33 pm »
Yeah, the Wii isn't really accurate enough for some of the later stages, you really need quick responsive controls.

Offline MackaN

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Re: Polishing up for xbox/psn/steam
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2008, 12:23:14 am »
what is there it cannot do? you have the analouge, C and Z on your left hand, and on your right you have the pointer, A, B and down on the D-pad. those are buttons you can instantly reach, and then you have +, -, 1, 2 and the other directions on the D-pad for the non-combat stuff (like menus). as said, i have not played much of the game so i have no idea how many buttons that would be needed

Offline Glamador

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Re: Polishing up for xbox/psn/steam
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2008, 07:10:04 am »
Well I think what he refers to is the responsiveness of the pointer itself.  Sometimes the pointer feels sluggish to me and occasionally it's not accurate enough quickly.  But I have come to the firm conclusion that this is the fault of craptastic developers, which bit-blot is NOT.  Because the latest games like Umbrella Chronicles and Link's Crossbow training are VERY quick and responsive.

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