I myself love Steam simply because it is THE reason i've got into Indie games. I would have never looked at some of the titles twice if it wern't for them being on steam. I enjoy adding games to my Steam list too, personally I love the service. Back at launch indeed there were many problems but for this past year the service has really taken off. I haven't had any problems.
I'm holding out buying Aquaria because i like to have a solid client which allows me to download the game & install it so simply etc. Not to mention that on Steam games usually get a discount on launch or a lower price-point. Maybe im a cheapskate.. But i saw Aquaria on the 1UpShow. I had never heard of the game but as soon as i heard them say it was a PC Indie game i was intrigued. After watching the show i thought hey ill pop over to their site and check out more info on the game then maybe ill drop $20 on it. However when i got to the site seeing that the game was $30 was a huge surprise to me. Considering i just got UT3 for £18 - a game thats been developed for years by a huge team with millions and millions spent on it. Okay okay its hard to compare the games, they are completely different. But its simply the principles of it which throw me off.
After reading up some reviews of the games many of the reviewers pointed out exactly what I thought - that $30 is abit too steep for an indie game, however all of the review's did seem to strongly praise the game

Many indie games for me are impulse buys, i dont expect them, but when they pop up and look interesting I think "hey what the hell its only a tenner" (from the UK) and I go off and buy them. It wouldn't surprise me if this price point is scaring off
alot of people which are now learning about the game from places such as the 1upshow.
Anychance of a christmas discount

I know you want to! Haha but even after those streams of text, depending on what kind of cash balance i'm looking at from Xmas, my love for indie games and indie developers will most likely persuade me to buy the game and support you guys. But my point still stands that for alot of impulse buyers and interested gamers the pricepoint, being almost a third higher than any Indie game ive seen, will scare them off.
Edit : Cheer for first post