I hope I didn't tread on anyones toes. Whilst looking for functions for my form changing problem I found a bunch of the sferia wiki stuff google has cached. So I copy-pasta'd it to the best of my abilities over to the Wiki site ryos posted.
Nice job salvaging the previous wiki's contents, and it's nice to actually have a good place to put (and find) information about various functions. Looks like whoever filled the function pages got their list from the same place I did, though, so it's going to take a fair bit of work to get it complete.
Hmm... If everyone just found one function without an entry each day, searched the data files for it, and updated the wiki with usage instructions, it probably wouldn't take more than a couple months to get the list complete, except for the functions not actually used in the existing game...
Anyway, I've signed up, and will be mutilating pages occasionally as I see errors and omissions.
- Edwards