Hey there, i was reading the DAG today at work (
http://www.dag.nl/ ), a dutch free newspaper, and i was pleasantly surprised to see them covering aquaria in it. They only cover 1 game per week and allways have good games like mario galaxy, assassins creed and the orange box, and this week they chose aquaria.
I made a picture with my Phone, so the quality is terrible:

The headline is:
"De game van de week is dit keer een juweeltje, nee, een parel uit de game-indiescene.
Aquaria speelt zich af in de oceaan, maar betoverender dan we 'm kennen."
Which in english would be:
"The game of this week is a juwel, no, a pearl from the game-indiescene.
Aquaria takes place in the ocean, but more magical then we know it."
They say the love the handdrawn art and the new allmouse controls in the rest of the article.
Oh and yeah i registered on this forum just to post this

. Alec and Derek, thanks for this beautiful game. I have bought it and i just beat it last night. Also thanks to the forums here, because without all of the help posts here and the map i would have never beaten this game.