If you have access to the c:\program files\aquaria directory, you could create a save directory there and add them.
But I'm not really sure what Vista is trying to do. It seems to move the files around.
Security. Vista doesn't allow the user access to certain areas, hence the "VirtualStore" directory. I suppose in *n*x terms, you could consider it a symbolic link, though that's not exactly right.
If a program fails a privilege check when attempting to write to, and this is just an example:
%PROGRAMFILES%/Aquaria/SaveUAC will intercept the call and redirect it to:
%USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/VirtualStore/Program Files/Aquaria/SaveIn a perfect world, the application will then read from:
%USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/VirtualStore/Program Files/Aquaria/Saveevery time the program makes a call to:
%PROGRAMFILES%/Aquaria/Savebut in practice, this isn't always the case, since the program might not read files in the same way it wrote them.
In the case of Aquaria, it seems that this goes as follows:
(For simplicity's sake, I'm going to refer to both the user and the program as Aquaria, but I think you can follow)
Aquaria writes to %PROGRAMFILES%/Aquaria/Save/save-0000.aqs, fails the privilege check (Non-elevated accounts are NOT allowed to *WRITE* to %PROGRAMFILES%), and is redirected by UAC to %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/VirtualStore/Program Files/Aquaria/Save/save-0000.aqs, where the data is written.
(We'll ignore screen-0000.zga , since I'd just be repeating myself repeating myself.)
Aquaria then later attempts to get a listing from %PROGRAMFILES%/Aquaria/Save/ , and sees.... nothing. Aquaria passed the privilege check (Non-elevated accounts ARE allowed to *READ* from %PROGRAMFILES%), and gets the *real* directory listing - which contains nothing, since Aquaria was never allowed to write into that directory. What is Aquaria to do but report that there are no saves? It can't see them, of course, so they must not exist!
Ah, but if Aquaria had specifically requested %PROGRAMFILES%/Aquaria/Save/save-0000.aqs , UAC would have redirected Aquaria to %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/VirtualStore/Program Files/Aquaria/Save/save-0000.aqs, because UAC remembers when Aquaria asked to create save-0000.aqs and was sent somewhere else.
This is, of course, simplified a little bit. Other things may be going on that I'm not aware of, and there are certainly a few flaws in the real world vs. UAC-theory. That's the explanation in a nutshell, though.
*edit* Those code-boxes were too damned big.*edit*