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Author Topic: Naija Frozen In Place  (Read 10457 times)

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Offline domini_cane

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Naija Frozen In Place
« on: August 25, 2010, 10:55:08 pm »

I've been playing Aquaria off and on for a while now, but recently I've experienced an odd little glitch. In certain areas in the game (mostly temples/boss areas), I cannot move Naija using WASD right away. I have to speed boost first before she'll move, and when I stop she get's stuck again. She'll turn to the direction I'm using with WASD but won't actually move. This hasn't been a big problem until I got the Spirit Form yesterday, and found that I can't move at all in Spirit Form in those areas, since there's no speed boost.

I've done a full reinstall of the game and the problem persists. I'm beginning to fear that the problem is somewhere in my save files, and I'll have to start the game over new.

Anyone have any ideas?

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Re: Naija Frozen In Place
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2010, 01:03:40 am »
You probably speed boosted onto a wall: that's actually the "cling" feature of the game. It's useful for some stuff (like wall jumping), but often times you should just avoid boosting onto walls. I do think if you just click once in the "non boosting" area of your screen, it should let you detach though? ^^;

If I'm wrong... we'll see what other people have to say. ^^
Bored little neko, pouncing along, scattering posts everywhere. =^.^=

Offline domini_cane

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Re: Naija Frozen In Place
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2010, 01:43:55 am »
Perhaps I wasn't very clear. What happens is I enter an area like, say, the Energy Temple. After the area loads, Naija just floats there. I press a direction, and she'll orient herself in that direction, but won't move. She just stays in place. I need to use speed boost to get her moving, and about 50% of the time there's no further issue in that area. Otherwise, as soon as I stop moving, she'll stick in place again.

I went back through some save files, and I noticed that I first encountered this problem in the boss area for the Sun Temple. In fact, I found that if in the right position, Naija will hang in mid-air after the water level drops below her! Then there's no moving her until the water comes back up. She'd also freeze in that area if I jumped above the water, causing her to once again hang in mid-air, this time with no way of getting her down save for reloading the save file.

Before the Sun Temple boss, everything was coming up roses. Afterwards, I'd have this odd sticking issue in particular places in the game. It's fairly frustrating in its regularity. I'm starting a new game today, and I'll see if the glitch comes up again at the Sun Temple.

EDIT: In a new game with a fresh install, I encounter the same problem when I first enter Naija's home.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2010, 03:56:25 am by domini_cane »

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Re: Naija Frozen In Place
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2010, 05:33:56 am »
Can you find a way to make the bug happen 100% of the time? Is there perhaps a specific way you enter the area (speed boost vs. no speed boost, holding down a movement key vs. releasing it before the new area loads, etc.) that triggers the bug? Now that the source code has been released, I'd be happy to try and fix it, but at the moment I can't reproduce the problem myself so I wouldn't know where to look.

(That said, I can only build Linux executables at the moment, so if you're not using Linux then I may not be able to offer much more than a way to work around the problem...)

Offline domini_cane

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Re: Naija Frozen In Place
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2010, 09:32:35 pm »
Sorry, been out of town for the past week. I'll try to manipulate the game as you suggest, and see what I can find out.

Offline megatux

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Re: Naija Frozen In Place
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2010, 09:59:44 pm »
I just started playing today this awesome game and I have the very same problem, in some areas Naija stays quiet in a point unable to move neither with WASD or with the mouse and only when you use speed boost she starts moving and reacts but as soon as you stop the character freezes again, you need to keep moving or you are stuck.

This must be a bug, searching the forum I found this other thread where somebody had the same problem and I think there is a common cause: Windows 7 64 bits

Im running this game in a Win 7 64 Bits machine with Core i5 760 processor, 4GB Ram and ATI GPU, I bet OP also uses Windows 7 64 bits.

The thread I pointed seems to be from May and related to Aquaria v1.1.1 so the chances to have a solution for this bug seems to be small.

Offline False.Genesis

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Re: Naija Frozen In Place
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2014, 04:33:59 pm »
For reference:
A solution to this can be found on the steam forums: http://steamcommunity.com/app/24420/discussions/0/846965056700538462/
Note that this bug is only present in the commercial releases.

TL;DR: turn on vsync (either in game options or force it at the graphics driver level).

[sorry, necropost, just that there's an answer in case  a search engine leads to this thread]
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 04:38:07 pm by False.Genesis »