So after following up on Derek's career over the last couple of years (started when it still was called Blackeye Software), playing all of his games, reading his blog frequently, but never posting anything (except when I finally beat Eternal Daughter) and now seeing all the hullabaloo (what a great word!) around him and the success he and Alec is having (and it's gonna get even more), I really have to say, that I'm
fucking jealous!

Naw, of course I wish you two guys all the best, although I guess there really is no need to, because I know that this will be the next big thing in independent game development scene. It's just that sometimes I have the feeling that some people fall through the cracks and the distribution of recognition isn't always a fair mechanism... but still you have worked hard for it and deserve it, so there you have it.

Well, anyway, I'm gonna spare the obligatory props'n'respect stuff, like great new website & blog, this game's gonna kick ass, Aquaria is da shiat, etc. because you're gonna hear that often enough, but still you can be damn sure that I will buy this game like everyone else will. Fucking mass phenomenons...
So keep on kicking your thing and you'll be a made man - remember my words...
Well, see ya'll around then, I'll surly check back frequently. Maybe I will post again some time, maybe not...
Also greetings and respect to everyone working with the TIGSource. It's a great blog with good articles and discussions - keep it up!