I'm stuck at the boss at the bottom of the cathedral. All I have is Shield, Bind, Energy Form, a pet Nautilus and a set of armour. I have absolutely no idea what to do. I can blast away at him in energy form and that makes him flash, which sort of suggests that I'm doing some damage, but no matter how hard I try, I eventually die before he does. I found that if I hide in the pit with the poison clams, he'll scoop me out and try to eat me, but shooting his mouth from the inside doesn't seem like a workable strategy. Shield bounces back his projectiles, but that doesn't seem any very effective either. I can't find anything to bind. He'll also create a thin merman zombie once in a while, but I can't think of a way to use that against him.
Did I come here too early? It's the place that made sense story-wise. A little earlier in the cathedral, Naija says that she could explore elsewhere, but I'm not sure where to go. Do I need some specific song I don't have? Or just more firepower? Or do I have to find something in the maze of currents, since the last save point is just before that?