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Not a stranger to death. Damn you Metriod Prime 2.
« on: July 23, 2008, 06:13:45 am »
I've had Metriod Prime 2 basically since it first came out.

The Metriod series has to be one(if not THE) top choice for my favorite game(s).

Aquaira and Zelda seem to be forever at war for the second position.


I've not be able to beat that god forsaken Boost boss.  >:(

Tips anyone?

Don't say go look at walkthroughs, for they all basically say the same thing. And because I have looked at them.
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Re: Not a stranger to death. Damn you Metriod Prime 2.
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2008, 10:20:46 am »
Haven't played Metroid Prime 2 at all, but I really liked the first one.  ^-^

Offline Glamador

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Re: Not a stranger to death. Damn you Metriod Prime 2.
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2008, 10:13:13 pm »
Echoes are a poor pitiful excuse for a sequel.  Rehashed reused models and content.  Stupid story, stupid characters, stupid Dark Suit, stupid losing health whenever you go outside, stupid AMMUNITION, and stupid bosses.  I beat the boost boss on my second try I think...I don't remember how I did it...but it was the gravity boss that really got me.  The Alpha Blogg.  I HATED that guy.  I actually stopped playing and had to go back like 2 months before Prime 3 came out and beat him for completion's sake.

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Re: Not a stranger to death. Damn you Metriod Prime 2.
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2008, 05:22:59 am »
Clearly the topic creator is getting the help he wants.  8D

I liked the game a lot.  compared to the other two games, it's noticeably weaker, and the last stretch is lame.  But it's not a bad game at ALL.

The Boost Guardian is definitely the most annoying fight of the game.  All I can say is, keep your eye on him and the SECOND he turns into a ball, do the same and start mashing the A button like you're bomb jumping in Super Metroid.  Kill the Inglings as quick as possible, they'll drop health and ammo.  When you knock him out of the ball (ie, he becomes a blob), you can unmorph and target him to do more damage than bombs.

...I think.  Admittedly, it's been a real long time since i've played the game, but that's most of what I remember.

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Re: Not a stranger to death. Damn you Metriod Prime 2.
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2008, 06:28:04 am »
I'm a believer that sequels should always be compared to their originals.  Most of the time, if a sequel is worse than the original I will mark it down considerably more than if it were a standalone game of similar quality.  I grade Metroid Prime 2 down even MORE though because it was NOT FUN.  The levels were tedious to traverse, the puzzles were boring, the enemies were unusually difficult sometimes, and totally easy other times.  The constant losing health was tremendously hindering to my love of exploration that was so fostered by previous installations in the Metroid series.  And the ammunition system meant I spent most of my time using the Power Beam.  Whereas in Metroid Prime 1 I spent most of my time using Ice or Plasma beams switching to Power or Wave when needed.

Conservation and caution are NOT keynotes of Metroid titles.  Echoes felt to me like one big restriction and hinderance on the explorative nature of Metroid that I know and love.  I would play Metroid Prime 1 and 3 a dozen times before I play Echoes again.

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Re: Not a stranger to death. Damn you Metriod Prime 2.
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2008, 07:50:10 pm »
Couldn't possibly disagree with you more.  It's one of the best games in the series, and I've played every Metroid title that exists.  It's a bit different, and it may not fit your personal preferences, but that doesn't make it bad.  It's an excellent and finely balanced game that I enjoyed from start to finish with the single exception of some frustration with the last boss due to a lack of information.  That sucked and was kind of a letdown.  Well, and I can agree that the final key hunt was lame.  That dragged on just a bit too long.  Otherwise, I love the game, and I'm friends with several other hardcore fans who also feel it's one of the best.

Anyway, the boost boss really isn't that difficult once you get the hang of it, unless you're playing in hard mode of course.  Basically you just need to nail him as much as possible when he's in his regular Ing form, then when he goes into boost form, roll up into a ball and avoid him as best you can.  Some have told me they had better luck staying on their feet, so that may work for you... but in either case just avoid him as best you can.  If you get him to boost into the pillars, those'll drop the full 100 energy charges which come in real handy (if you're smart, you'll use all 4 throughout the fight, plus whatever you get from killing the random enemy spawns).  Then when he goes back to his flat shadowy/liquidy/whatever form, drop bombs on him until he gets pissed and takes regular Ing form again.  Then get up, blast at him again, and repeat until he's dead.  Kill the other random spawns as necessary, either with bombs or regular shots.  There's enough "downtime" to kill those when you're just busy avoiding the boss and can't damage him, so don't waste too much time on them while he's is in a form you can damage.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2008, 07:53:12 pm by Quemaqua »

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Re: Not a stranger to death. Damn you Metriod Prime 2.
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2008, 10:42:09 pm »
Ok, fine.  You liked it.  But what do you have to say about the complaints I lodged?  My old roomate took a similar stance.  "I liked it and I can ignore all those things you're complaining about."  Pissed me off he could never effectively argue his position.

So what have you to say about the ammunition (something that has never been dreamed of in a Metroid)?  What about the constant loss of health hindering the sense of exploration that makes Metroid games so unique?  What about the rehashed and reused models/textures?  What about the one-dimensional Luminoth bozos?  I'm hard pressed to think of a single thing I LIKED about Prime 2.  Except maybe that it played a lot like Prime.  Which is always a good thing.

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Re: Not a stranger to death. Damn you Metriod Prime 2.
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2008, 09:06:37 am »
Well... I'm not sure how to address them because  I don't find anything you mentioned to be a problem.  I barely paid any attention to the ammo, and when I ran low I found it was obscenely easy to swap to the other type, blow open some containers, and even the reserves back out.  I don't see how you can say it hasn't been dreamed of anyway since missiles always had limited ammo, it was just never applied to beam weapons.  And it wasn't like your regular beam suddenly had limited usage, it was just the other two, which really only needed to be used in specific circumstances anyway.  I also enjoyed the dark world and the health drain because it was different, and I didn't find that it hindered exploration exactly, it just... made it more urgent?  I don't know.  I really didn't feel restricted by it at all except where I was supposed to be restricted.  It was just another environmental obstacle that eventually had to be overcome by finding a shorter route to somewhere or waiting until the dark suit was acquired.  It seems just like any other Metroidian environmental obstacle to me.  I also happen to love the Luminoth design and the way in which their story unfolded, and I don't really even see what you're talking about in terms of reused models and textures.

So yeah, I don't really know what to say.  I mean, you're perfectly welcome to hate the game.  I'm certainly not going to stop you or tell you that you're wrong.  I just can't really refute any of your points because I can't see the logic behind them.  I don't mean to say that it isn't there, but we're obviously just coming from completely different viewpoints and I'm not really able to see your side of things.  Sometimes I can disagree with someone but understand where they're coming from, and while I can think of a lot of reasons one might not like the game (even if I don't personally find them to be an issue), the ones you've listed seem odd to me.  *shrug*  To each, his own.

My thesis can really be distilled to the following: I'd never say you're stupid for not liking the game, but I challenge any assertion that this is a bad game because it simply isn't.  It may rub some the wrong way, but that doesn't make it a poor piece of software.  And it just seemed to me that you were saying it was a pile of crap, so I had to say something in its defense because I don't think that's even remotely true and it happens to be a favorite of mine.

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