Ok im new, so lemme start...
I am on the body and am going back to get everything for my final approach. I go to the simon says boss (I think there might be 2, to clarify I am going for the extra cooking space one) and are about half an hour into it suddenly WHAM my notes stop. I now have trouble knowing what he is singing cause all I can hear is the background noise! So I go and check here are the thingsa I can hear:
Ambiant noise
Swimming swoosh jumps speeds, but its quiter (dunno what to call it, you know where you go fast by cling on the edge of the screen?)
Things I cant:
Enemy noise
Pain (I think)
Hitting things
Dunno about voices...nijahs kinda quiet.
A strange thing is shots and explosions. When in energy form and shooting, when the shots hit, they make a very very very quiet crackling noise that sounds like a tiny little ghost exploding inside a TV with no service with the sound turned down to one. Same for enmy shots.
I checked the sound stuff, all turned up to max, and Im playing on headxphones, so in conclusion: what do I do?

P.S.: Please hurry, I have nothing else to do but wikipedia and google earth!