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Author Topic: Aquaira music rights  (Read 7444 times)

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Offline Liarra Sniffles

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Aquaira music rights
« on: November 27, 2012, 12:17:03 pm »
so, i was wondering what the deal is with using aquaria music for things like youtube videos or online gaming themes (as in rp themes in-game)
but i cant find any info anywhere and i seem to have lost my readme of the copyright rules.

it would be great if i could use the music from aquaria somewhere else (with recognnition to the creators of corse) but i dont want to "do anything bad on accident" as it were.

i have looked on the forums with no succses and dont have the time to sift through it all, also the IRC is not very helpfull to me atm, if someone has allready created a post like this then link me but if not, all i need is for someone to copy/paste the readme here (if it aquaria has one) or just tell me the current owners of aquaira's musical rights rules for this.

heres to really hoping to have some of the best music in history in my stuff! (from the guy who bought ALL the musical stuff)
and no, i dont want to sell it to you for some jelly oil and a special bulb!

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Offline False.Genesis

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Re: Aquaira music rights
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2012, 08:26:08 pm »
http://www.bit-blot.com/forum/index.php?topic=4346.0 is the only topic I know of that might be remotely related to your question.
It's for a totally different occasion tho, and nothing that was/will ever seen by the public.

Offline Liarra Sniffles

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Re: Aquaira music rights
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2012, 05:05:38 pm »
well your right about the usefullness of that topic :/
but thanks for being active on an otherwise dead forum THE MOST ACTIVE FORUM EVAR!!please dont kill me mods (if your still here)

im actually surprised that there are no (as far as i could find) other people asking this question as the music is totaly amazing in aquaria and somthing which i aspire to create, i would have thought that people would've gone nuts, then again, most people on the internet seem to like crappy (my personal view only) music from artist's who like to "rinse and repeat" as it were with their music and aquaria is not exactly new in internet standards.

ill find out eventually :3
(as an experiment i posted fall of mythalis on a sharing site a friend of mine runs to see if any copyright pings showed up, so far it dosent evan know what an aquaria is...sad right?)
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Offline Liarra Sniffles

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Re: Aquaira music rights
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2012, 05:38:27 am »
im just going to assume that i cant use the music and resort to freesound or royalty free music for my music, although it saddnes me i cant really do anything about it, maybye i should get into contact with one of dem two magicians through twitter or somthing.
Contact me through steam, I'm usually online and love to chat! http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198017483501/