FYI, i have the OpenSteamworks SDK and some other steam API headers on my disk, and thought about actually attempting that. I wouldn't even mind getting banned on steam, heh.
Here: (can't remember where i found it)
And here: (HG repo)
Maybe this is useful to someone. I don't have time to give it a shot, because if i'm working on Aquaria related stuff, it's either finishing up my mod or working on the mod downloader.
A cool thing that would work without actually open sourcing the steam related code would be to make a DLL/so/dylib that contains the necessary APIs and links them to either the steam code, or OSS replacement functions (StatsAndAchievements.cpp/h).
I wouldn't mind doing the prerequisite work/code separation sometime, but the actual steam bindings would've to be done by someone else.
EDIT: Or simply use function pointers internally that get redirected to steam ones if a steam DLL + custom Aquaria->Steam API DLL is found and steam runs; and uses the builtin OSS ones otherwise. Might even allow using steam *optionally* if it's there, and maintain portability otherwise. That'd be great. Anyone interested?