Probably correct, but only because so much has changed from the 1.1.3 code base that it wouldn't be worth the effort to try and merge it back. My plan is to release the iPad code in a separate repository once the game is finalized and released.
Okay, so most of the things posted to the icculus repo lately are sort of worthless, as i take it.
Will your mobile-device-optmized code run on PCs as well? - i mean Windows, Linux, Mac.
It would be helpful to know details about core mechanics parts that were changed - i know you completely replaced BBGE, and probaly rewrote half of the game's code as well (Avatar.cpp and Game.cpp most probably). Did you apply some sort of texture-optimization like you did for the PSP? Did you add some sort of package files to store the data?
Is anything planned to be done about your code after you release it? Is it going to replace the icculus repo at some point, or how's future plans?
IMHO it is not so cool to have 2 "official" repos with totally incompatible code doing almost the same thing, and personally i'd prefer to have only 1 code base to care about.
And as you said, i agree that backporting things to the icculus repo is not worth the effort... better start fresh and port things from the icculus repo to your code, and move on.
Many questions, sorry.
But really, reading your answer i think
it is the best for everyone who is working on the icculus code to stop doing that and wait until you publish the new code.And who doesn't agree its time for a 1.1.4 version that behaves the same on all platforms, and that does *finally* provide a stable base to make mods for? *sigh*.
And an updated demo is overdue, too.
(Side node: Started a mod. A large one. That's why i care about that right now. And it requires the fixes i posted to the icculus repo/ML.)