Just gonna start by saying that this game sucked me into its depths for at least four days straight, and I loved it, nearly every bit. (Complaints: How dang depressing it actually is (namely the secret ending), my right hand cramping (fingers mainly) from such heavy mouse usage, enemies not dropping anything when eaten in Beast Form, no New Game + feature, no power-ups for Li, and, um...I'd say difficulty, too, but this
is an indie game. All of this is pretty nit-picky, though.

) Great story, viewtiful graphics, and
wonderful, ear wormy music. *wants to buy a soundtrack but can't afford it right now

Anyway, I've just got some questions about Mithala. I'll admit--I'm inclined to like Mithala given my nature, but that's not all of why I like him; if it was, then I'd like the Energy God, too, and I don't quite like that thing. Mithala's cool, and he's a nice guy (ignoring the insanity he suffered from eating his own children), and the fact that he's one of the three characters that actually talk apart from Naija and what he says makes me like him more. The nail in the coffin, however, was finding the Mithala Doll. Seriously, guys, I want one.
It's too adorable.SPOILERS FOR ENDGAME!!
First: After The Creator is defeated, we see members of the other races return into being after being massacred or otherwise wiped out. Then we see the Energy Boss (what's that guy's name, anyway?), still lying there, dead, with a sad Krotite there by it. Given this information,
is Mithala, sadly, also totally dead? (As well, is the poor Drunian (?) boss (forgot name if given) totally dead, as well?)
Second: During Mithala's vision, Naija says that the Mithalans built statues to honor Mithala. The camera then goes to look at one of the big fish-man statues, implying that this is Mithala. As well, there is (at least) one statue replacing the fish-man head with Mithala's beastlike head, but compared to the number of the other statues, and where it's found, I'm more than willing to bet it was constructed
after the priests bound poor Mithala, also implying that he
didn't look like that before.
However, the vision's ending painting depicts Mithala as we saw him (albeit with chains and differently-oriented slit pupils). To me, it looks like he's shocked and confused at his bonds, as if they were suddenly placed on him--meaning this was right before he began to corrupt and become more beast-like. As well, Mithala's voice is deep and gravely, implying he's actually beast-like normally. (Of course, this could just be him being on the verge of death, still in the form he's in, just old, or just having a gravely voice, or a mixture.) Then, and possibly most importantly, there's the aforementioned Mithala Doll. One of the reasons I love it so much is because of how cute it makes such an otherwise-not-so-cute critter as Mithala is. If Mithala started to look like that
after his people basically should have started to fear him and
not want to give an image of him to a little girl, why would the doll even exist? (I doubt a cruel priest presented it to the girl and it got dropped on the table in fright or something.)
Given all
this conflicting evidence,
what did Mithala look like before the corruption?Third: This is just logic...Naija tells us that Mithala changed and grew; all that flesh we see around the cathedral is a part of Mithala. However, when we go up against Mithala, we don't see anything connecting him to the rest of the flesh--his feet leave the floor, meaning it can't be that. And the background is clean wall (with a horrible message to Mithala written on it), so it can't be there's some secret umbilical tether on his left side going into the background...right? Of course, I also concede that it could have originally been attached to him but detached and continued to grow on its own, somehow following DNA patterns despite not being connected to his body; that said, his body might have remotely instructed the growth process entirely, given that the world is filled with magic...So, to put this in question form,
how exactly can all that flesh be a part of Mithala?Fourth: This is also just logic...I know, I know, he's a "god", it's a magical world, but really,
if all he had to eat were Mithalans, and he probably didn't eat them that often, and that was probably LONG ago, how the heck is he so fit that his muscles are still toned and huge?I'd also ask about the Energy Boss, how it was before Naija killed it in order to escape the temple, but given the nature of the Krotites, I gather it was a big ol' jerk.

Sorry for my wall-o-text--I tend to be an architect of them. ^_^; I'm asking this out of both curiosity and possible-half-necessity--I'm thinking of drawing some fanart featuring the big guy before it hit the fan.
Edit: Humph. It won't let me do it in a font, for some reason. It worked fine at first...