the mod starts off after the end of the sacrifice mod, it goes like this:
elena is in the nightmare part still and finds naija as a mutant,
then she says "wait! hold your fire!" because elena was about to shoot
then can choose from:
then says either:
how did you recognise me?! im in AWFUL shape now!
its me naija.
then elena says:
it cant be you... can it?
then she says:
naija: no really its me!
elena: hhh... i guess i can trust you.

elena: what happened to you?!
naija:the creator found me... and turned me into... this!
elena: can i save you in any way?
naija: yes, you have to search through aquaria before the spell stays on forever!
elena: how long will that take?
naija: 2 days.
naija: all i can do right now is warp us to the first place of the journey
elena: where is that?
naija:the song cave.
i need mutant naija script