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Author Topic: A HUGE Thank You to Alec and Derek  (Read 14638 times)

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Offline slymcbeans

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A HUGE Thank You to Alec and Derek
« on: December 10, 2007, 05:40:23 pm »
Hey Guys, Just wanted to personally (or as personally as possible) thank the two of you for this game.  For years now I have been praying that someone out there would make a high-def 2d game.  So many in the industry have switched over to 3d games in the past years, which is all fine and dandy, but no one seemed to be interested in pushing the 2d genre further.  You're game is exactly the type of game I have been waiting for.  As such I just wanted to express my gratitude to the both of you.  I will be following your next projects closely.  I really feel at this point the sky is the limit for the both of you, the amount of talent that the two of you put into Aquaria is astounding.  So once again, thank you for this "dream-come-true" game, and I wish you all the sucess in the world.  Congrats!

Offline Derek

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Re: A HUGE Thank You to Alec and Derek
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2007, 05:56:48 pm »
It's our firm belief that 2d will always have its place, and there are still so many interesting things you can do with it that haven't been tried yet.  One of the nice things about being independent is that we can choose to explore ideas that bigger publishers aren't interested in.  But it depends on the support of players, so we're extremely happy that you guys feel the same way.

I feel like we should be thanking you! ;D

Offline barret232hxc

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Re: A HUGE Thank You to Alec and Derek
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2007, 07:50:13 pm »
I have the same exact feeling. I think the movie industry should follow as well, they primarily only have 3d animated films and have done away with traditional 2d animated films and It makes me sad. I'm glad to see the 2d genre showing off in full sexyness

Offline Crizzle

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Re: A HUGE Thank You to Alec and Derek
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2007, 08:17:49 pm »
It's definitely refreshing to see a game like this. And knowing that it was created by two people is...amazing. Like I've said in other posts: this game is a work of art. Keep up the great work! :D

Offline Rizz

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Re: A HUGE Thank You to Alec and Derek
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2007, 08:52:22 pm »
It's our firm belief that 2d will always have its place, and there are still so many interesting things you can do with it that haven't been tried yet.  One of the nice things about being independent is that we can choose to explore ideas that bigger publishers aren't interested in.  But it depends on the support of players, so we're extremely happy that you guys feel the same way.

I feel like we should be thanking you! ;D
Maybe we should just agree to thank each other. ;P

Offline Assault

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Re: A HUGE Thank You to Alec and Derek
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2007, 11:24:56 pm »
I've been playing playing Aquaria for a few hours and I absolutely love it. You guys did an amazing job and I'm glad I bought it. I can't remember when was the last time I actually bought a game. This has been the first game I bought this year... yeah I know, it's December. That's just how awesome Derek and Alec are.

So here's a HUGE thanks from me as well.

Offline Mandrake42

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Re: A HUGE Thank You to Alec and Derek
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2007, 01:39:25 am »
Ok Assault Im going to try and guess all the characters in the little bar you have at the bottom of your post:

Lara Croft, The guy from Deus Ex?, Max, Dont know, Cloud, Snake, Master Chief, Scorpion?, Link, Some blue guy, A carrion crawler?, Duke Nokem, A brown fuzzy thing that might be chewbacca in a cowboy hat, Raz, Dont know the guy in brown, Shinobi, Kratos, Altair, Seamus and Gordon Freeman.


Edit: Oops, this is kinda off topic huh? Maybe this should be moved to a seperate thread "Whats in Assault's sig bar"?  :P
« Last Edit: December 11, 2007, 01:59:51 am by Mandrake42 »

Offline smjjames

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Re: A HUGE Thank You to Alec and Derek
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2007, 01:46:46 am »
maybe the brown guy in the cowboy hat is that vampire hunter or something? not buffy, the movie one.

Offline Crizzle

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Re: A HUGE Thank You to Alec and Derek
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2007, 01:49:07 am »
maybe the brown guy in the cowboy hat is that vampire hunter or something? not buffy, the movie one.

No, that guy in the cowboy hat is Stranger from Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath. But let's stay on topic. ;)

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: A HUGE Thank You to Alec and Derek
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2007, 03:24:45 am »
I concur.  I still love 2D games, being the aging, crippled bastard that I am here at 25, and it's great to see a studio that loves the art form as much as I do.  Though to be honest, that's a minor detail in the grand scheme of things, because it wouldn't mean a damned thing if the games they made sucked.  Thankfully, Aquaria has turned out to be the best indy game I've ever played.  That isn't just lip service, either, and I think it has to do with the maturity they've infused the product with.  I really want to know what's going to happen, and what *did* happen, and where it's all going.  The reason I feel this is the best indy release I've played is because I've never been sitting at work wishing I could go home and play an indy title.  I might be looking forward to it, but it was never painful the way it can sometimes be with triple-A titles that I've been looking forward to for years and all that (lately The Witcher has been doing this to me), yet... Aquaria was on my mind all day.  I had to quit last night at 2:30 in the morning at the Cathedral, right in the stinkin' middle of it, and it drove me nuts.  I wanted to know what was in there so bad, but seeing as I generally get up for work at 6:00, it was way, way past my bedtime and I had to bite the bullet and try to sleep.  I managed fine, but in the end, the following day at work was terrible.  I wanted to go home so bad, and it was made all the worse because I had no soundtrack to listen to (I'm rabid about soundtracks, and if I'm playing something I almost always find a way to get the music in one manner or another so I can listen at my horrendously boring desk job).

Anyway, I've been sounding like a pathetic fanboy for days now, and God knows I hate that; but seriously, I can't think of any indy game that I've loved as much as this.  I've loved many, and there are some true masterpieces out there, but to me this is a defining moment in the history of indy gaming: a game with as much pure heart and artistry as you could ever expect from a story in any other medium, on any other budget.  "Thanks" seems to really be an inadequate sentiment, but for lack of anything better, thank you both for your time and effort.  I love to be moved, be it by a piece of music, a book, a film, or a game, and you guys have managed to do that for me on a great many levels.

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Offline HardcoreFeminist

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Re: A HUGE Thank You to Alec and Derek
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2007, 04:47:31 am »
Hi, hi;

Playing and completing Derek Yu's "Eternal Daughter" two months ago, I came across Aquaria.  I did not have to suffer two whole years of patient anxiety, whew!  (Those who did deserve credit, whoever you may be.)  The promotional videos certainly caught my attention, which is saying quite a bit - I rarely bother with games.  I bought this game on the day of its release and, I must say, it does not disappoint.  2D games like Eternal Daughter, Super Mario World (bless you, Yoshi), and Sonic the Hedgehog now exist at the periphery of the gaming world.  It is refreshing to know there are those out there eager to keep the tradition going strong.

I write this message for no reason other than to show my support and gratitude for the developers,  As one who seeks to make life a little brighter for others, I understand that a little encouragement does go a long way.  Many happy endeavors!  ;)

Offline Zam

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Re: A HUGE Thank You to Alec and Derek
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2007, 04:53:31 am »
Do I even have to post? I'm a hardcore fanboi of massive proportions. I like dedicating to do things, putting everything aside for that one thing. You guys are an inspiration to dedication and hard work. Not only did you produce an excellent game from the get-go, you didn't slack off when it was released. You kept on the ball, and Sirs,

I commend you. Almost as importantly, I recommend you  ;)

Offline Battlerager

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Re: A HUGE Thank You to Alec and Derek
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2007, 05:45:50 pm »
I only just beat the demo, and HOLY BOLLOCKS

I need to buy this.
I'm really glad I was linked to this in another forum.

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: A HUGE Thank You to Alec and Derek
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2007, 11:29:19 pm »
Also from me a thanks and hoping that you people will continue this work, I just ordered the game and can't wait to play the full version... After a long night of sleep and work the next day. None the less, the Demo alone is already very awesome looks wonderfull and made me curious to the rest of the story.
I also, like alot others here like the tradition of 2D. In my opinion way too many things, even when the gameplay is STILL 2D, they make it 3D and that annoys me. 3D isn't always better or prettier and this game here proves it, even though it also proves that it IS alot of work and effort.
Seeing I'm one of the very lucky ones who discovered this game on release I'm actually glad that I didn't have to go through the suffering of waiting, as I'm still waiting for the next release of Super Smash Bros, pardon the reference.
I think I'll take my chances to get my sleep if I can sleep after playing this game, once again many thanks to you for making this game!

Greetz, Alphasoldier
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Offline ervin

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Re: A HUGE Thank You to Alec and Derek
« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2007, 03:17:48 am »
Hi there.

Yes, a big thank you from me as well.
After having played through the demo, I bought the full version without hesitation, and am looking forward to downloading and playing it.

After the non-stop deluge of match-3 and other copycat games, it's wonderful to see something like Aquaria.
It is clear just how much love and care has gone into this game, and it should serve as an inspiration to other indie developers out there.

Incidentally, I just thought I would mention what it was that convinced me to buy the full version.
The music.
Sure, the graphics are absolutely gorgeous, and so beautifully animated, and the gameplay is sublime.
But the music is just... how can I put this?
Aural sex.

Some parts reminded me of The Secret of Mana, and some of Planescape Torment.
All of it is beautiful and full of feelings like dread, discovery and freedom.

Congratulations guys. I wish you all the best in the future.
You deserve huge success with this masterpiece.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2007, 04:55:10 am by ervin »